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the matter rests. Mr. Stillman came with his wife to see my pictures while Booth was here and he had to retire while they came in. They seemed to like my pictures very much and talked of buying the larger one which is not quite finished but finally went away and said they would think of it and come again. He came again towards evening and finally bought a 12 x 20 picture I painted since I came down. He told me he had been looking at a Boughton at Averys for $1000 and that Avery had sent it to his house but he was not at all sure he would keep it and if he did not keep it he would buy my larger one instead of the smaller one. He seemed anxious to know what to buy and told me that being ignorant of art he would be obliged to me if I would advise him. Asked my opinion of certain artists and I considered it my duty to give it as frankly as possible. He seems a very frank person and I could see how Avery and the dealers would manipulate him. I dined at Eastman Johnsons. Phil was there. We went up to the Studio and Whittredge came in. Eastman has sold nothing so far and I think is very anxious as I am to make some arrangement with the dealers. He authorised me to tell Knoedler that he was ready to make an arrangement. Rouse is still there. Wrote to Gertrude last night and again tonight.

Thursday Dec. 28. 1876. Walked down Broadway and bought a hat and left my cap to be fixed. Fredericks photograph establishment was [[?]] Knoedler did not come but sent a note asking me to appoint another time. That is the last of that. He didnt mean to come. Painted a water color. The same subject only I did it on white paper as it