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Platts. Gifford was invited but did not come. We went to the theatre last night to see Booth in Richard III.

Saturday Jan 27. 1877. Booth stood for me for the last time yesterday as Othello as on Saturday he does his engagement here to go to Brooklyn where he is to play two weeks. After that he will be here for six days during which I am to paint Iago. We went to see him in "Ruy Blas" and Don Caesar De Bazan last night, both new parts to me. He was fine as he always is and the audience was enthusiastic as in old times. Today I have been painting in the background of Othello. Eastman came in this afternoon and saw it and thought it very good. I have sold a couple of small pictures the past week one to Richard a dealer and one to Julia Dillon and have had a number of visitors. Mr. Stillman and a friend were in today. I am well and happy now in marked contrast to my condition a month ago. We do not go out much although we have many invitations. Taylor was in yesterday a few minutes. He was on his way to see Kelly the Controller to try to get Dick Stoddard appointed City Librarian and he had Bryant & Stedman to recommend him. Poor Dick is in a bad way and I fear is going from bad to worse.

Tuesday Jan 30. On Sunday I went over to Hoboken & called on Mrs. Pychouska and Edith Cook. It was a beautiful winter day and the river was full of ice-  Wrote to Sade-Gussie To Booth about insuring his things at Rondout  [[strikethrough]] Wednesday [[/strikethrough]] Monday I began a picture which I want to call "The North" illustrating Tennysons

"Dark and true and tender is the North"

I took for my theme the view from above the close looking N.W. with a fine group of hemlocks in the 

Transcription Notes:
. Ruy Blas is a tragic drama by Victor Hugo. Don César de Bazan is an opéra comique in four acts by Jules Massenet.