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may come again. Went to the Century monthly meeting. Sent my two little winter pictures. All the amendments to the constitution tending to change the committee on admissions were voted down. Wrote to Maurice and to Girard today. Mr. Boardman called. Spent the evening at Taylors. Taylor gave us an amusing discussion of Wagners "Gotterdamerung" which Thomas gave last night. He said it was like stones grinding together with an occasional shoot of a whole load on the sidewalk and through it all Madame Papenheim screeching at the top of her voice. Mrs Taylor said it was simply chaos to her. I begged Taylor to write a description of it. Wrote to Maurice & to Girard.

Tuesday Feb. 6. Went to the meeting of the Council last night for the first time since before the Holidays. Perry had another scheme for an illustrated catalogue. He springs all these schemes upon the Council with such an air of plausibility that it is difficult to oppose them. However I have got to that state that I oppose every thing he advocates on general principle. Gertrude and I went to see the water colors [[strikethrough]] this [[/strikethrough]] yesterday morning. Mr Goodman & Mr. John Cheney came to see me this morning after I returned from my usual walk. I think Mr. [[Fredman?]] wished to select a picture for a friend for he asked the prices of several. Mr. Merwin came to look at the Vanderlyn engravings and told me he thought they would sell very well. Their terms are 15 pr. ct. and $2.50 per page for catalogue which covers all expenses of printing advertising & sale. I wrote to Miss Vanderlyn today and advised her to sell them. As soon as I hear from her if she consents I will at the first opportunity. Platt and his wife and Mr. Goodman dined with us and spent the evening. The sun came into our parlor this morning for the first time this year and was a pleasant reminder of the spring.        

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