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and feel the relief I usually do when that is off my mind. I don't think it a good plan to be behind in this matter and have to hurry in the last days. Gifford came in to see me yesterday and I showed him my Academy pictures with which he seemed pleased. He does not seem well and I think is not working much. I attended Dr. Bucks funeral today. He died at the age of seventy and the large number of people of note present at his funeral testified to his worth as a man as well as to his position as a leading physician. Taylor came in today for a moment to invite us to dinner tomorrow evening with Mrs. Bigelow and John Weiss. I had a note from weeks yesterday telling me Mr. Holt would take my November which he is going to present to Mr. H.G. Deforest and I feel very happy over the sale of my two pictures. Everybody seems to lie my last picture and I hope to sell it out of the Academy. Taylor proposed a line from Bryant for its title "And the year smiles as it draws to its close".

Saturday 9. Rain and wind. Attended Taylors lecture. In the evening we dined with them to meet John Weiss and Mrs. Bigelow. Wonder where Mr. Bigelow was? I expected to have a pretty stiff time as Weiss is eccentric and so d_d deep and Mrs. B by no means offensive but after a little wine Weiss warmed up finding we were not afraid of him and we had a really jolly time.

Saturday 10. Mr. Williams of Williams & Everett of Boston came in this morning and bought my little study for my Academy picture and I am to send him my "Coming Snow". Sent my last picture the Kaatskill brook subject to the Century monthly meeting. It looked well in my room by daylight but by the gaslight disappointed me greatly. It was not popular as I hoped it would be and I experienced a great disappointment. I think the artists did not care for it and that is always a disappointment to me. Winslow Homers picture of "Cotton Picking" was the favorite of the evening and it deserved to be. I complimented