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came in to call on Gertrude and detained me nearly an hour but by 3 o'clock I had my sketch nearly done, and it seems to me one of my best things, needing more elaboration, but a good subject for a large picture. Dined at Pinchots with Mr. & Mrs. Stebbins and Mr & Mrs Eastman Johnson. Johnson and I had to hurry away to attend the Trustees meeting at the Century but got there too late. Had a talk with Taylor and came home

Monday Apl. 9 1877. Saturday dined at Mrs. Stebbins with Eastman & wife, Rouse and Madame Rudersdorf. We had an elegant dinner and the occasion was Mr. S.' 50" birth day. Eastman and I had to leave immediately after dinner to meet Dr. Bellows and some of the artists at the club in order to do something for the relief of Miller who is in the hospital and almost helpless. A number of artists were present and it was decided to raise $300 a year for 3 years in subscriptions of $10 a year- Monthly meeting at the Century. The Grand Dukes were expected but did not come as this was the last day of Lent in their church I believe. My picture looked well. Sunday morning I was very ill with indigestion and could eat no breakfast and very little dinner. Felt better in the evening however and went out to Taylors and spent the evening. Calvert went with us. Today has been the most disagreeable day I ever experienced in New York. A strong wind and clouds of dust. Went up to Eastmans. Meant to walk but the dust was so thick was glad to ride. He was out but came to see me this afternoon. 

Thursday 12. Sara came on Monday and we are going home with her tomorrow. Miss Nixon dined with us last evening. May was here and went home today. Wrote a note yesterday to Frank