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He seemed to think it would be a good thing if the Fellows had some voice in the government of the Academy but had no plan to propose. I agreed that the artists had managed their institution practically and on the whole wisely which he admitted. When we returned after a very pleasant day he gave me a basket of beautiful flowers for Gertrude.

Sunday 13. We went to Long Branch by steamer at 10 o'clock to Sandy Hook and by rail from there. It was a lovely day. We walked down to the wreck of the Rusland. The ship has broken in two since I was there last and they are getting the cargo out. We had a miserable lunch at [[?]] and came back at 4:30. Spent the evening at Taylors.

Monday 14. Finished Lauras little picture and worked on another one which I design either for Vanderlip or Seavy. Attended the council meeting. It gives me the greatest satisfaction to write that the Academy is at last entirely out of debt, as we this evening instructed the Treasurer to pay the balance of the mortgage $5000 as soon as possible. Prof. Marsh and two ladies called and spent some time with me. Frank Weeks called and I finally had to tell him I could not go with them to the Adirondacks on Monday as I hoped to. Received a letter from Booth in which he tells me he will finish his engagement this week and will come in to N.Y. and sit for me to finish what there is to do to the pictures.

Wednesday May 23. Sent Laura's picture last week and the frame for her mother. Gertrude and I went up home on Saturday, She for the