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Hillsboro. St. John has been nearly destroyed by fire and she will arrive there today but Joe will make arrangements to meet her. I saw her on board the boat yesterday about the 7th of July I expect to go to the White Sulpher Springs where Bayard Taylor and his wife are going on the 3rd and I hope to take Gertrude with me.

Wednesday June  28. Came home by the afternoon train. Juia Vaux here. Burger came up Saturday night and returns Sunday night. Wrote to Gussie Friday 30. To Gertrude & Lucy Sunday July 1.

July 4". Picnic at the 5" Binnewater. John McEntire The Reeds, Girard & wife, myself, Miss Delapresne and friends of the Reeds.

July 5. Left by the Day boat on my way to the White Sulphur Springs, Met Gertrude who came in from Boston on the morning of the 6th. Stayed in N.Y. one night and took steamer to Richmond 7th at 3P.M. Arrived at Richmond after a pleasant passage on Monday morning 9 and took Chesapeake and Ohio R.R. via Gordonsville, Charlottesville & Staunton to White Sulphur where we arrived at 8                        in the evening 220 miles. The Taylors met us at the station. They occupy a cottage but we had a room in the Hotel. An immense hotel surrounded by a great number of cottages. Rude accommodations but a pleasant place. Were there two weeks. Not many there at first but about 600 when we left. Plenty of Confederate officers. Genl Jubal Early with whom I had a little conversation. Gnl. Joe Johnston, Genl McCourland. Reagan of Texas. Ben Hill. Ex Gen Mills of Va. Mr. Corcoran of Washington. The Pennman minister & family. Maya Nicklam & family of N.Y. who were fellow passengers with us on the steamer. Taylor and I made and excursion to Kanawha Falls while there. We left 23rd for Goshen and made a trip to the Natural Bridge through Lexington. Staid there over one day and made a sketch of it. Found it very interesting and impressive.