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Friday, Aug 7. Went with the boys on an excursion up the river above Gannons tunnel in their canoes. We sailed back and had a pleasant day. The rain was very beautiful in the morning and many of the vessels exceedingly picturesque. Got home about 4 and directly after we had a hard shower.

Monday 20. Donning, King Putnam and I took the Wallkill Valley train at 7 oclock and went down to New Paltz. From there we walked up to Lake Mohawk, a part of the way across the hills arriving there about 10. I had not been there since 1861 I think when Gifford Whittredge, John White and I staid there over night on our walking trip from Bracketts. Now there is a large hotel there and walks in all directions and people every where in what used to be one of the wildest places I ever knew. We had dinner and remained there until nearly four O clock when we walked down the other side of the mountain to Rosendale and took the train for home where we arrived a little after 8 having spent a very pleasant day.

Tuesday 21. The boys have started for home in their canoes and have just disappeared below the light house (4 o'clock P.M) They had their tiny sails up but there is only a breath of a breeze from the North and it is pretty warm. They have had a pleasant time here and we shall miss their spirit and enthusiasm.

Sunday 26. Wrote to Sara on Thursday on which day we received a letter from Lucy announcing their arrival at Apache after a very laborious and difficult journey of two weeks. Have received a letter from Menger in which he tells me my picture went to San Francisco on Aug. 6" and is due there on Monday. Also received a letter from Cyrus Butler full of hope and enthusiasm for business and Art interests in the