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simple in form and I dare say if one were located there some thing could be found to sketch. Maurice met on the ferry boat on my return to tell me Mr. Crounse wanted to see me. He wanted me to go up to the Rangeley Lakes with him today, for a month and wanted to give me a commission for a [[?]] there for a price sufficient to pay all expenses. As I am in negotiation with Whittredge who is in Newport I declined and besides I had refused to go with Church and felt quite sure that I would find nothing up there which I would care to paint. I don't like to go off with strangers The Gentlemen of the party are quiet men who do not drink whiskey and as they are wealthy he thought I would get several commissions but I had a dozen reasons why I could not go and as his invitation was so cordial and polite I told him I would reflect upon it, while at the same time I had no idea I could go, and I sent him a 
note this morning politely declining. Today I received a letter from Whittredge no more encouraging than the last. He [[?]] dont [[?]]seem to find much to sketch, it is expensive and I have about given up going there. Now I am all adrift again and I presume it will end by going out among the mountains somewhere alone which I do not look forward to with any pleasure. Have had a head ache which began yesterday but feel better this afternoon. Have kept a hot soap stone to my feet all day.

Thursday Sept 6. 1877. My headache left me before even-ing yesterday. Wrote to Whittredge today that I would not come to Newport and now I am adrift again as to what I will do. I am troubled because I am not at work. Next year if possible I must lay my plans to go somewhere where I can be at work all summer. I waste too much time. A letter came today for Sara from Lucy but as Sara is expected home on Saturday it was not opened. Wilmurt sent me his bill of $31. but I was obliged to write him that I could not send him the money just now. It has rained a little and there are indications of an Easterly Storm but it does not rain easily and I fear it will pass by. One well is almost dry for the first time since we have lived here.

[[crossed out]] Friday [[/crossed out]] Saturday Sept 8. Sara arrived home from Hillsboro