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hesitated, told him I didnt know him, but he seemed quite nettled and I told him I would do all I could do conscientiously. This is a poser for me. Wrote to Gertrude.

Friday March 1. 1878. Called at Major Wickhams and at Mrs. Wilsons. 

Saturday 2. Monthly meeting at the Century. Joe Tomkins dined with me

Tuesday 5. Went home Sunday by Wallkill Valley R.R. A break near Whiteport delayed us so that I did not reach home until nearly 5 o'clock. Remained over until today to vote at the city election. Had a little company at home last evening.  Mr & Mrs. Taylor, John McEntee and his wife & Miss Delapierre. I return feeling sadly and depressed. My father has returned and was able to go out to vote today, but there is great anxiety at home and Maurice continues to spoil our home with his infernal temper and his selfishness. I can hardly endure it.

Thursday 7. Worked all day on my picture and succeeded in ruining it yesterday. Today I went up to Goupils and ordered a new canvas and am going to begin anew and will adhere as to the color of my sketch. Mr. Adams from Utica called yesterday to tell me that while he did not sell my picture they succeeded in selling 60 pictures and that a lady there is going to give me a commission for a more important picture. Copied Taylors portrait in Alpine costume by [[hand]] which he wants to give to Mrs. Putnam. Accepted an invitation to a breakfast to Taylor at the Century on the 16. Wrote to Gertrude. Very warm and thunder showers This afternoon.