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used to know his wifes father Mr. Endicott. He came and sat near me after dinner and I had a long and pleasant talk with him. Walter Phelps also told me that Mr. Astor had spoken in high praise of me as an artist. I was not presented to him because I did not ask to be. Had a pleasant talk with Genl. Hancock. After dinner, Taylor, Walter Phelps, Howells, Warner, McVeagh, Reed and I remained and had the jolliest time for an hour or two. McVeagh is a most genial man and said such brilliant, witty things. Altogether it was one of the pleasantest occasions I ever attended. Taylors health was drunk in some old Madeira presented by Royal Phelps to which Taylor referred in the happiest manner which was the only speech making. I rode down with Taylor to his hotel where we met his brother and Bancroft came on to go down the bay tomorrow. 

Thursday 11. Bayard Taylor & family sailed for Europe today on the Hamburgh Steamer Holsatia, Capt. Brandt. We went to Hoboken to see them off. When we reached there the rain poured in torrents and we had to walk some distance still were so well protected we did not get wet. The cabin was crowded with his friends. An arrangement had been made by the German Consul General by which we were to go down to Sandy Hook on the Steamer and return by small boat. The rain made us hesitate but we finally concluded to go. With us were Haven Putnam & wife, Mr. Bancroft, Taylors two brothers and others with a number of Lily's friends. We went over the bar beyond Sandy Hook and when the small steamer came alongside to take us off it was found that she rolled so violently that it was impossible to transfer the return passengers to her and about six o'clock she steamed away towards the harbor and we saw no more of her. A pilot boat was signaled which came up but declined to take us back. The tide would not allow the Holsatia