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that "this Taylor business had been overdue" Mr. Sherman said "too many dinners. Now if they had given him one and then stopped it would have been better. That last affair of the Germans reserving the "Conners" hurt him. "Yes" Johnson added "that did him no good" I felt myself growing furious to have these men snub me in this way and as soon as they finished their criticism I said with great warmth that I begged leave to differ with them (addressing myself to Johnson) that Taylor had earned and richly deserved all the honors which were so spontaneously and enthusiastically shown him. That unfortunately the most of the men sent abroad did not get more than one dinner because they did not deserve more, that it was eminently proper that the Germans should show their esteem and their satisfaction at his appointment, that I was glad to contribute my nite in honoring him and only regretted I could not have done more. Sherman went away grumbling, I looked and felt defiant and Johnson felt rebuked and began to talk about pictures. He is an awkward blunderer. From there to the club and staid until after midnight. Wrote to Doll & Richards making a proposition to them to buy my four pictures I have sent them keeping a copy of the letter. I am turning every stone to raise more money and am willing to make any sacrifice. Miss Durfee called with a Mr. Woods of Washington a friend of C.P. Huntington whose attention he had called to my picture and she had brought him to see it but it was at the club. There was a favorable notice of it in the Post by Sheldon who sees but little to praise in the work of American Artists. We went and called on the Pychanskis this morning and from there to Fred Nortons and to Pratts who were gone to the country.

Tuesday  16. Mr. & Mrs. Wheeler called last night and proposed to me to take one of their horses for a picture which I have agreed to do. This morning received a letter from Doll & Richards of course declining to take my pictures which was as I expected. I have no doubt they are not able to buy. Mr. Vore of Providence came in and bought a small picture which I am to finish for him. Had a disagreeable experience with the baggage express man. Went to the office and complained of him and also wrote a