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in answer to one I wrote about their exhibition

Saturday July 6, 1878. Alexander Shufeldt died suddenly on Tuesday and was buried yesterday. The fourth was celebrated here by a procession of the military, friends &c. We all remained at home. Yesterday I trimmed my hemlock hedge. We all went down to Peter Philips last evening to meet John Dunlop who used to live here 25 years ago but who is a doctor now in Waterford. The weather became quite cool and pleasant this evening. Gertrude and I took a ride before tea out on the Flatbush road. Read a note from Eastman Johnson saying he will expect me in town on Monday. Our "G. B. Club" dines at the Manhattan Beach Hotel at Coney Island on Monday and I am going down.

Sunday 7. James Cash who was with Sherer a number of years was buried today. He was one of the assistant engineers of the Fire department and the firemen buried him. I heard the band playing solemn music as they went to the grave this summer day and now they are returning playing light and joyous music. He leaves a wife and seven children. There is something inexpressively touching in this music wailing over the dead in this midsummer day

Wednesday 10. Went to N.Y. Monday morning with the Powell. Sara & Gertrude went along but returned same day. I joined Eastman Johnson and we went down to Manhattan Beach in the afternoon where the "G. B. Club" dined. Ford, Gordon, Butler, Judge Spier & McDonough were the only ones present besides us. It was delightful there, the air cool and invigorating and our dinner excellent but rather exhaustive. We returned by 9 o'clock train and I staid overnight with Eastman. After breakfast we went down to the Century to see the decoration of the smoking room I returned by the Powell. This evening Jansen Anderson brought