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Men built the log camp & had it ready by dark. Hard workers. Willing to take any trouble. Georges funny story in his peculiar dialect about "the feller that went eelin'" An ideal spot to camp.

Thursday 19.
Beautiful day made a sketch in early morning. A party came along on their way back to Medway sent postal cards to Gertrude Sara & Booth. Cleaning up around the camp-fire fireplace against a rock. Should like to live here.

Friday 20
Cloudy morning & wind. William George & I went to the dam trout fishing. Caught 6 good ones, plenty trout there but sun came out the wind blew hard all day-

Saturday 21
Grey & cloudy expect [[line?]] storm. After dinner George & I go down to dam for trout. Would not bite & returned by Norway Point. Fine Sunset lake perfectly calm. Missed my knife.

Sunday 22 Wind blowing gale from N.W. Osborne meant to have started for home today but toq windy. Wrote to Gertrude & to Sara