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write some letters. Bonyer went home this morning.

Wednesday Nov. 6. 1878. It was snowing this morning when I awoke and the ground was white with snow but it all melted before evening. I wrote to Mrs. Sawyer, to Mrs. Platt and to Mrs. Wheeler. My letter to Mrs. Wheeler I hope will remove whatever unpleasant impression may have received from an unkind word I spoke to her years ago but for which I have always been sorry and yet for which I have never apologized. I know she has forgiven it but I fear she has never forgotten it and today I told her how bitterly I lamented it. It is sorrowful work answering these letters and sometimes I think I had better not but at other times it is a satisfaction and an outlet for my feelings - After dinner as the snow was on the roof we burned out the Kitchen chimney, the Dining room chimney, which was not very full and the sitting room chimney which was very full of soot - The parlor chimney we will do another day. The election yesterday resulted in a great victory for the Republicans. Tammany is utterly beaten in N.Y. and all through the state the Republicans have made great gains. From our district Genl. Sharpe is elected to the Legislature but I regret that Wm. Lounsberg is elected to Congress. I had a beautiful letter from Laura and one from her husband Laura's letter was a surprise to me, so well written, so tender and affectionate. I read two or three of George Arnolds poems to my father and mother. One, the "Matron Year" is always connected with Gertrude and for several years I had intended to paint a picture of her in illustration of "the year is fading like a stately lady who lays aside her youthful vanities" but of late years she was not able to stand and I had no place to paint here and so I never did it. Perhaps I may yet do it better.

Thursday 7. I have been so sad today. I spent the forenoon looking over Gertrudes trunks in the garret and this afternoon I went over to our little house and looked over the boxes we packed away more than ten years ago when we broke up housekeeping. Our housekeeping articles have gradually disappeared and it was always a melancholy thing to go over there as we occasionally did together to get articles from time to time, for she always indulged a hope that some day we would live there again. I saw so many things that brought back an early married life, so many things that seemed so a part