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of poor Mrs. Taylor and Lily and could not get them out of my mind. 

Saturday 21. Alice and her baby and I started for Rondout via Hoosac Tunnel in the 8 A.M. train  George came out to Boston with us. Before we got to Greenfield it began to snow with every indication of a long storm. We expected Gertrude Tomkins would join us at Greenfield but she was not there. Having as I supposed gone on yesterday. We had to wait over an hour in Albany and then got on the way train for Rhinebeck. The train was late, the ferry boat had gone and it was raining and we had to wait half an hour for the up train. I had telegraphed for a carriage and we were soon home glad enough to end the long and tedious journey. The baby stood the journey nicely and although we all had colds when we started did not add to them. 

Sunday 22. I found many letters awaiting me. One from Dear Donning full of affection and tenderness. My pictures the "Solitaire" and the "First Share" and the "Autumn Song" which I gave to Gertrude on the 20" anniversary of our marriage had arrived. I opened the box and hung them in the parlor and am very pleased to have them here because the two were painted from Gertrude. Poor Mrs. Purinton died this morning after the most prolonged and terrible suffering. Gertrude used to visit her and pitied her so sincerely in her sufferings and thinking of her in connection with her painful death this morning I was very thankful that she had been spared so agonizing an experience. The newspapers are full of Taylors death and in the Tribune are communications from Stedman and Stoddard. I wonder if poor Dick does not think of some of his unkindnesses, of the head but not of the heart. I wrote to Reid today about Taylor but privately. I also wrote to Gussie, a note to Meadville about pictures, to Col. Laurence about my beaver skins and to Mary urging her and Calvert to come up for Christmas. Gertrude (Tula) opened the piano and played some plaintive airs this evening. I had not heard the