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Saturday, Jan. 4, 1879. The gale has continued today but is not so severe. Sara and I took a sleigh ride down by the new nice road and around home by the Flat-bush road. We talked of Gertrude all the way. I never go over any of these roads that we used to drive that I do not think of her all the time. Mr. Knight arrived this morning having been obliged to stay at Rhinebeck over night. Alice and the baby are getting well and will return with him in a few days.
Sunday 5. The weather is milder today. Lucy and I took a sleigh ride by Steep Rocks and around by Charley Livingstons and home by the Flat-bush road. I wanted to talk with Lucy alone on a particular matter and have no opportunity here at home. We had a very pleasant ride. The sleighing might have been better but we got along very nicely.

Monday 6. I took Alice over to the cemetery to see Gertrudes grave. It was covered with snow and although the air was keen from the north, the sun shone and she got a cheerful impression of the place. I thank God I did not see Gertrude laid there for now I cannot think of her there. After we had been there I drove across by the Roa-tina and came home the Flat-bush road. There was a sharp north wind and it was cold in spite of the sun shine. The sleighing was very good out on the road but all gone in the town.
Tuesday 7. Alice, the baby, George and I left for New York on the 12 o'clock train. We crossed on the ferry boat but the ice was strong enough to bear teams and I understood they were to begin tomorrow to harvest the ice for the ice houses. Dr. Duffy was on the ferry boat and spoke feelingly of Gertrude. We came down in a Drawing room car and I got a carriage and drove to the studio, where we had dinner. Fred came around to see Alice and I went up to see Mary who had expected us there. I made