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pleasant evening. Sent my small November (12 x 20) to Utica - price $300. Received a letter from Alice. They got home early and without fatigue. Am going home tomorrow by the 8 o clock train.

Saturday. Jan. 11. 1879. Went home by the 8 o'clock train. Jamie met me at the ferry with the sleigh. Fine sleighing and plenty of snow. Found letters from Oscar from Yokohama, from Stedman, Mr. Hoe, Fitch and Gussie. In the afternoon, Sara, Lucy, [[strikethrough]] Je [[/strikethrough]] Sedgwick and I took a sleigh ride. We took the serving girl home out on the Flat-bush road and crossed over and returned by the Saugerties road. It was pretty cold but excellent sleighing.
Sunday 12. A cold night and a beautiful morning with misty frost effects. Went to the Methodist church with my father, mother and Sara. I was very much affected and could hardly keep back the tears. The voices of the singers, the solemn words of the prayer card the memories this all evoked were very touching and tender. McKouns voice always affects me deeply. It has a most pathetic quality and it almost always fills me with a sweet sadness. In the afternoon I wrote to Alice, to Stedman, to Mr. Hoe and to Oscar, also a note to Sam Coykendall. Lucy had a letter from    which she was expecting. We eat in my room and had a talk on matters that interest me but which I cannot set down here now.

Monday 13. Came back to N.Y. by the 12.30 train. Tom drove me down to take the ferry boat but found they had begun to cross on the ice so I rode over with Andy Winter. A beautiful morning after a cold night. The ferry boat had got over to Rhinebeck but with great difficulty and was on her way back to lay up. They began to harvest the ice today and the river presented a lovely and picturesque scene. Reached here at 4. Read "McLeod of Dan" all the way down. After dinner at Marys, went to a meeting of the Council of the Academy. We have a pleasant board this winter and I hope it will be a pleasure rather than a pain to meet with them. Wood, Calverly, Whittredge, Hall, [[?]], Richards, Jones all good fellows. Congratulated Mr. Huntington on his election to this presidency of the Century on Saturday night. I was again elected a trustee, with all the old board except Eastman