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better than I thought I should. He seems a man about my age an Irishman but I should say a man of force of character. From there I went to the council meeting and I sent the captain from there tickets for the Academy. I have felt depressed and unhappy all afternoon and full of money anxieties. My father has had his attention called to the fact that his interest is unpaid and it troubles me but I try hard not to worry.

Thursday May 1, 1879
Went up to Scarsdale on Tuesday afternoon with Mr. Butler and returned last evening. We rode through the woods yesterday forenoon and in the afternoon He and Mrs. B and I took a early drive through the country leaving me at White Pains where I took the train at 4 for the city. It was an ideal spring day with fine skies, showers, springing grass, and buds and flowers. Found here letters from Lucy, Sara, Ruth and Mrs. Sawyer. Darling Gertrude was with me at Scarsdale when I was last there and she was with me again in all these suggestions of the awaking year, taking me away from my earthly cares and sorrows which alas return when I come back to the confines of my studio. This morning I had a nice letter from Lily French and have written to Lucy and Weir to have Mrs. Weir and Emma, who are coming to [[?]] designate an evening when they will go to the theatre with me. Last night I called on Mr. Wickes at the Sherwood House and at Eastman Johnsons and for the first time saw the decorations for his house which he has just completed. Miss Brownscombe has called for a picture for a loan exhibition at Honesdale. I have let her have my Winter Twilight 10 x 12 price $200. Money anxieties press upon me and trouble me. My rent is due and I cannot pay it yet. I try not to worry but I cannot help it sometimes. Attended a meeting of the trustees at the Century this evening. Met Weir there and had him come stay with me over night.

Friday 2. Weir and I breakfasted in my studio after which he went to attend some business and I to do the same. Mary came over to see if I were ill that I had not appeared at breakfast. Went over there to lunch. Weld, one of the Plymouth boys was there. This afternoon Weir and I went to see Wards Equestrian statue of Genl. Thomas. I was thoroughly pleased with it. Not too realistic, not at all sensational, manly, noble full of life and those undefinable qualities that satisfy the art instincts. Wood, Hall and I went to [[?]] and arranged with him for the Academy dinner. Mary went to Rondout today.

Transcription Notes:
Jennie Augusta Brownscombe was a founding member of the Art Students League of New York.