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Friday Aug. 1. 1879. Worked over at my house in the forenoon but it was very hot and my head felt badly so that I stopped before noon and dressed and bathed and concluded to keep quiet for the rest of the day. Frederick came and mowed a part of the grass and I kept about but finally gave up. Tried "Sedesea", piece of a lemon and some Whiskey & Carbonic water. My head ache grew worse and after tea sent for a half bottle of Champagne which I drank and cured my head ache at once. Heard today of the death of Major John Dubois Maggie Dubois' brother and of John Wolfers death.

Saturday 2. The carpenters came and put in my painting window over at my house. It was a very hot day the Mercury at 99° down town. Here there was a delicious breeze all day. They got the window in and it is a success giving me I think ample light and improving the looks of the house. They are coming Monday to finish it. Had a letter from Lucy. Have commenced a letter to Weir but dont know where to send it.

Sunday 3. Sara and I went over to the Cemetery and cut the grass on Gertrudes grave. The man was digging John Wolfers grave. It is only a little over a year since his wife was buried there after her shocking death. They have brought John back to his home which they had left and I understand Mrs. Pratt is to stay there and keep house with the children. His funeral took place at 2 o'clock. There was a violent thunder shower just before the time and the weather was very hot and close. They had the house all darkened and made as dismal as possible. Mr. Taylor read the Episcopal Service. There was no funeral sermon. I did not go to the grave. I could not help the feeling that there were few regrets for this poor unfortunate man. Wrote to Lucy and finished my letter to Weir which I sent to New Haven.

Monday 4. The men have worked all day at my house and finished the window but I am having some other things done, the locks and doors put in order &c. The mason is to do his work yet. It has been close and cloudy all day with sprinkles of rain. Today is the fifty second anniversary of my father & mothers marriage and both are still well and as happy as they ever were.