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am having great trouble with it. Went to the G. B. Club dinner at the Down Town club. Invited Charlie Coleman who went with me. From there to Mrs. M. O. Roberts party which I dreaded, but I got along with it very nicely and had a very good time having met several people whom I knew. I wrote Mrs. Sawyer in the afternoon but I felt so unhappy I am afraid my letter will distress her. I feel so discouraged and sad that I do not know how it is to end now when so much is depending upon me and when I ought to be at work 

Wednesday 17. Booth came and stood for me in Don Carlos. I do not get on well and feel discouraged. I feel that I do not draw the figure well enough and every thing is a trouble to me. I am discouraged. Went up to see Gifford. Found him too much troubled about his brother. He asked me to dine with him which I did and afterwards went to a Fraternity meeting at Mrs. Birneys where Calvert read an essay on dress. Wrote a letter to Sade. 

Thursday 18. Very much discouraged when I looked at my figure this morning. Booth came and I told him I was afraid I would have to give it up but he encouraged me and I went to work and made it very good finally so that I felt much better. But I am greatly depressed and most anxious about my affairs as always. I have a great deal of money to pay, and do not see where it is coming from. O that I could get out of this dreadful drag which now I am so little fitted to bear. Came home early and wrote to Annie Lee about her porcelain which I went to see a few days ago. An invitation to dinner from Mrs. Thurber for Tuesday which I am obliged to decline as I go home on Tuesday.

Friday 19. Snowed last night and a little today. Booth came and I painted on my little figure improving it. He likes it very much. Mary and I called on Mrs. Taylor this evening. A nice long letter from Sade full of comfort and advice, including a pretty little pair of mittens from my mother for little Edith Weir. 

Saturday 20. Dark, rainy, windy. Painted some foreground lieu in my "Autumn Idyl." Mary and I went to the Matinee of "Aida" Cary is a magnificent woman and I do not know whether I did not enjoy her fine stately figure quite as much as the splendid scenery and effect of the opera. Called at the Wheelers in the evening and went to the Club for an hour.