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Moore has a collection to be sold at Auction. He has there my "Wings of the Morning" and the "Autumn Idyl" which he bought of me. But I am not in the mood of looking at pictures. Have been at work in the afternoon and kept up pretty well. Went to the Academy in the evening and drew from the life, our beginning of the class. Jones, Loop, Yewel, Henry and I constituted the class. We all enjoyed it and were glad of the opportunities of study. A letter from Sara which I answered. 

Wednesday June 21. 1880. Received a notice of assessment for a sewer on Union Avenue. I dare say my father has one four times the amount. I do not know what to do. This is entirely unexpected and I have not the money to meet it. We are taxed to death. Booth came to see me and we had a long confidential talk on several topics. He wants to let me have money to pay off our mortgage at a low rate of interest to relieve me of some of my anxiety. It hardly seems right for me to allow him to do it, but he seems to want to and I am going home on Saturday to talk with my father. I had a notice of an assessment for building a sewer in Union Avenue. This is totally unexpected to me. I supposed my fathers is at least four times as much. I can't pay it. I have no money, and coming now just after I have exhausted myself to pay the taxes and interest I am entirely discouraged. Mrs. Booth came while Booth was here to see the new pictures. She liked the Don Caesar and the Petruchio but did not like the Benedick at all. I agree with her. I think it very poor. She looked very ill and was about out of breath when she reached my room. I wrote to Sara and to Mrs. Sawyer and in the evening called on the Boardmans.

Thursday 22. Rained again. Worked on my picture. Booth came to see me and we talked over our experiences for a couple of hours. The more intimately I know him the more genuineness and nobility of character I see in him. I have the same discouraged feeling. I did not sleep well last night and the days go by without any elasticity and hardly any hope of more peace and serenity in this life. Calvert and I attended an anatomical lecture by Champney at the Academy. A letter