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was not well and left early. Went back to Marys for a little while and then to my room, the same dull tireless round.

Wednesday Feb. 11. 1880. I slept well last night but awoke with the same depressed feeling. A letter from Sara. She had been to see Jamie at school and he was ill and very lonely and unhappy. Poor little fellow. She also wrote of the death of Mary Ellis' husband which they saw in the paper. We have heard nothing of it. At the N[[?]] Sale last evening some of the pictures (foreign) brought high prices. A very little picture of mine, the River, painted several years ago for Mr. Waters for $300 brought $110. and that is the sort of encouragement American Artists are getting. Mary and Julia went to see Cornelia at the hospital having had a note from her. They supposed she went to her sister Marys a week ago. They found she had not heard a word from Mary and knew nothing of her husbands death, and she had been waiting there in utter ignorance all this time and in an agony of apprehension that something dreadful had occurred. Marys husband was killed by being thrown from a wagon on the night of Monday 2. They were on their way to attend the silver wedding of a friend and were to have come to N Y. next day after Cornelia. I found when I went home that Mary and Julia had gone out to see Mary at Montclair. She had written to Mary Vaux to break it us but she [[called?]] to Cornelia but she never received the letter. I went with the boys to 60" St to see them ride their bicycles. Wrote to Sade [[strikethrough]] yesterday [[/strikethrough]] this morning that I would come home Saturday by the Wallkill road. 

Thursday 12. Painted on a picture begun some time ago and improved it although I had to drive myself to work as it was a dark gloomy day. Mary went out to Montclair to take Cornelia and did not get back til 7 oclock. What a sympathetic, helpful woman she is and what a comfort she has been to Cornelia. Sam Cuykendall called to see me. I went to Mr. J. B. Johnstons to a meeting of the live sketch club. I was expected to draw but did not. I dreaded to go but did so from a sense of duty.

Friday 13. A dark, rainy and most depressing morning. Too dark to work and so all my thoughts go back to the past. I have been reading some of Mrs. Sawyers and Alices