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early part of August, not being able on account of some business to go any where just now. 

Sunday July 25. 1880. Wrote to Mr. Bachelder that I thought I would like to go with him and asking him to tell me just when he expected to go. Wrote a long letter to Sara. Charlie Nicholls was down today. They had found poor little Henry Myers body and his father had arrived. Poor child. I cannot get him out of my mind. Downing and I took a ride out along the Hurley mountain to the Marble town ford and home through Hurley. We took little Jimmy along. He was very fond of little Henry Myers but does not realize his death. They are to take the little dead boy to New York by the boat tonight.   

Monday 26. Downing and I went to Palenville, I in the wagon and he on his bicycle. We were five hours on the road It was very hot and the wind with us. Had dinner and saw Geo. Hall and his niece and left there at 4. Downings machine was out of order the tire being loose. Were caught on the edge of a shower but did not get wet. A heavy shower passed over towards Kingston. Soon the roads became so muddy he could not ride his bicycle any longer and we were compelled to leave it where we struck the Saugerties road. Did not get home until 9 oclock. A letter from the editor of Scribner saying Dr. Holland would like to see the article spoken of in my letter to him.

Tuesday 27. Downing and I drove up for his bicycle this morning taking the buck=board to bring it home on in case he could not ride it. We went by way of Flat=bush. Poor old Billy was very stiff and I was very reluctant to drive him so far again today. When we reached the place we fed him and rested half an hour and Downing cleaned his machine. He concluded to ride it and did all the way home. He went down by the Baldwin this evening. I was sorry to have him go for he is a clear good fellow. I never met a young man who was more conscientious or who had a better sense of his duties and responsibilities in life. I sent my article to "Scribners" by him. He took his bicycle down the side hill and I walked down to the  gate with him. I felt a sense of loneliness when I bade him good bye for it is pretty sad here at home now. Maurice is off again. Went with a horse and wagon yesterday and is not yet home. We have heard of him driving about disgracing himself and shaming every one connected with him. I cant get him out of my mind. I awoke at half past three this morning troubling about him. It would be well if I could dismiss him from my mind 

Wednesday 28. A cool, almost autumnal day with the wind from the N. Helped my mother arrange the pictures in Sara's room. Went to the Strand after dinner, took a walk in the common and went to the City Hall to see about our assessment. Stopped to talk with