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The hall was filled and the singing very enjoyable. It was a very warm night. Rondout never before appeared in such gay holiday attire, Flags and flowers and evergreens have quite taken away its prosaic look. A letter from Mary Gifford in which was a message from Sanford saying he hoped I was finding pleasure in my work. He is still very weak but they now feel confident of his recovery.

Tuesday Aug. 24" 1880. The memorial stone came today and I saw the mason about putting it up. It was to be at the cemetery about 2 look but he sent a man to tell me that on account of the Saengerfest the teams were all employed and he feared he could not get it up today. I hope to get it up tomorrow. The Saengerfest pic Nic came off today in Duncans Grove. I was at the Strand this morning and it presented a very festive appearance. I think I have burst a small blood vessel in my eye which is very blood shot and has troubled me all day. A postal card from Alice. Wrote to Stedman about Mr. Brush and to Mary Gifford. It has been a very hot day, one of the hottest. 

Wednesday 25". It was very warm this morning. Suddenly a great black cloud came down from the North bringing thunder lightning and a violent rain which cleared about noon. After dinner the man came to tell me the stone was at the Cemetery and I went over there to see to setting it up. It was successfully accomplished by four o'clock and is entirely satisfactory. How strange it seemed to see my dear Gertrudes name there. An ardent wish of my heart is at last accomplished and a sacred duty done and I feel a sense of thankfulness that it is so fittingly done. While this memorial is simple it seems to me in excellent taste and will so impress all judicious people. I know dear Gertrude would have been pleased with it and I have never lost sight of what she would have had done.

*Thursday 26" This has been one of the loveliest of days. I went to the Strand this forenoon and received by mail the bill for the Memorial Stone $110. About what I expected it would be. My father and Mother went over to the Cemetery and saw the stone and thought it very chaste and beautiful. This afternoon my father, mother and with Jimmy and Little Charlie took a ride by the Strand along the river road and to the ice house at Turkey point, where we got out of the wagon and remained a while. The river was quiet, a cool autumn feeling was in the air and the atmosphere was fine and rich making this one of the perfect days. Such days fill me with memories of dear Gertrude. I dedicate the lovely days to her who felt all their beauty and made others feel and share her joy in them.   

Transcription Notes:
Saengerfest - Singer Festival