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Thursday Sept. 28. 1880. Went to my studio directly after breakfast and began a water color 12x14 from one of the pictures I painted this summer and have worked on it all day. I hope it will come out pretty well but am not sure. It has rained considerably and at evening cleared off with very fire effects of light. received a letter from Whittredge who is still at home digging a well instead of being away sketching. From Mrs. Sawyer telling me the China Oscar sent my mother has arrived and a letter from Gussie. Mary was to leave for for home today. Wrote to B. F. Butler about my picture which has arrived from England, to Mrs. Sawyer and to Whittredge. Sara my mother and I talked of Gertrude this evening. I always love to speak of her and this evening when I came to my room I longed for her so sadly that I could not keep back my tears.

Wednesday 29. Sara and I took a walk around by Oreillys and back at the North end of the cemetery. It was a beautiful autumn day with a good deal of color in the shrubs and weeds. I saw bits that I thought I would like to sketch. As we passed the cemetery we looked in and saw darling Gertrudes grave. It seemed so strange that she was sleeping there and I trying to interest myself in the places where we used to walk together. Painted on my water color picture but it is not good and I fear I can not make it good. A letter from Richard Butler. I have had a headachy feeling all day. Could not work much in the afternoon but employed myself arranging my studio and putting things in order. 

Thursday 30. The last September day and a very lovely one with a decided fall feeling. Sara and Nannie drove to High Falls. I went out beyond the cemetery and made a sketch in the forenoon. In the afternoon packed some jelly for Gussie and did a little work over at my studio, fixing a board to stop my Franklin if I put up a stove. Julia Dillon and Lily came down from Highfalls not knowing Sara was going up. The sun sets tonight at the extreme south end of Olive Mountain. I am surprised to see how far south it has gone since I went away. 

Friday October 1st 1880. I felt badly this morning and the morning being bright and cool and crisp I started out for a long walk. Went to Rondout, then down by the brick yards and up the hill above Steep Rocks thinking I would visit some of the places where I used to walk so often and where I used to find