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with Schaus for foreign pictures and he has sent it to auction. So it goes. They begin by buying our pictures and then despise us. It will be different someday. The drawing class met at Marys this evening and so she came over and spent the evening with me at my studio. Wrote a note to Sade, to Weir Sent check for interest to Sam Cuykendall and to Winter for his bill.
Wednesday Jan. 19" 1881.
Called on Julia Dillon and went to see Mr. Richards about Miss Ford who called yesterday. I think we will let her enter the school next week. Met Waller on my way down. He seemed relieved I had withdrawn my picture and said he had been to see me. Painted all day on my smaller picture. This evening wrote to Sedgwick and to Alice. Mary and I had a talk on the future. She is troubled but is very brave. O if we could be nice when we are young.
Thursday 20
Painted all day. First on the copy of my picture with the Vermont work for Mr. Bates which I have got well underway and then took up my other picture in which are the two figures of children which I advanced and now feel I will make interesting. Annie Norton and Annie Lee called. Annie Lee told me she and Fanny took the prize in Baltimore for the picture they were making when I was there. She seems to develop a good deal of artistic ability. They made a long call which I very much enjoyed. Later Miss Ford called. I found out she was a niece of Ford an artist of Chicago whom Capt. Anderson met at Santa Barbara. I discerned she was doing nothing while waiting to enter the academy. She said if she had anything to copy she could paint in her room. I told her I would lend her some of my studies if she wished which seemed to please her. She selected three and I gave her some canvases. I think she has very little money and I doubt if she has colors and brushes but I told her I would let her have some. I think she felt embarrassed but I had to let her feel I would be glad to assist her. I do feel very sympathetic with women who have to take care of themselves. Called at Frank Weeks.
Friday       21
One of the most disagreeable of days. It was raining and freezing and the wind was blowing a gale when I went out to breakfast so that I could hardly keep my feet. Telegraph wires are down all over the city, and lines are breaking down under their load of ice. Have painted all day in my large picture although it has been very dark. Mr. Richards of the firm of Dell & Richards of Boston called with Hatfield. A letter from Sara. Went to the private view of the water colors this evening. I knew only a very small proportion of the people there. Somehow the younger artists have a more Bohemian and aggressive look than formerly. I dont enjoy these things anymore. I am growing older. The city is in a state of shock tonight and it is snowing & raining together.