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is confident we can sell my pictures as people have spoken to him about them. From what he said I think I need more depth of color and more effect of light and dark to make them popular. He seems a practical, reasonable man and I hope we may be of advantage to each other. Went home by Wallkill Valley my face troubling me very much. It rained when I started but was snowing at Rondout when I arrived and snowed several inches during the night. Found Julia Dillon on the train after we left Goshen. Tom met me at the junction and we drove her home.

Sunday 13. The snow effect this morning was very beautiful I found a letter from Booth dated March 1st in which he tells me the Doctor has told him his wife has but a few months to live. His letter gave me a vivid picture of the worries and anxieties by which he is surrounded. I wrote him a long letter and tried my best to encourage him. I pity him for I know better than most of his friends what he has patiently borne. I also wrote to Janette. Sara and I called at John McEntees. Saw John, Lily and Aunt Christina but Nannie was not well. Alvin Tremper died last week and he is to be buried tomorrow. Julia came up to our house to tea.

Monday 14. Made a drawing of my pasture for an illustration to Taylors "Pennsylvania Farmer. Came down by noon train on the H.R. Julia came on but went to Rhinebeck to attend Alvin Trempers funeral and is coming down tonight. The river is open in parts below Rondout and will soon be clear. I always feel sad coming from home and trying to get to work on something but find it very difficult. Attended the Council

Tuesday 15. Commenced a little picture from a sketch I gave Mary long ago but somehow it is not very promising. I wish I could get to work on something interesting. Called on Fred Sawyer and his wife. When I came to my room met Whittredge in the janitors room. He came to my room and sat until midnight and we talked, or rather he did, for Whittredge generally does the talking. Told me of some of his worries of house keeping in Summit and of a dishonest servant. We all have our worries and anxieties. Had a letter from Weir and answered it. I also wrote to Howland an old school mate at Clinton from whom I had a letter a fortnight ago.

Wednesday 16. Mr. Howells called on me. He answered my note a fortnight ago but I never received it and wrote him again yesterday which however had not reached him yet. He told me some things of Richards which shakes my confidence in him. He told Mr. Howells he ???? my picture which I sent up there which is not so, and that he could sell it to him cheaper than he could get one from my studio. Well they are all alike. Mr. Howell took the little Kaatskill brook for $200 and bought my study on Spruce creek with the large log and pool for $100. Charlie