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of sweet memories of her. I could not help shedding tears as I read her dear words of sorrow yesterday, at Lucys and the beloved babys departure. It all came back to me and her loss came to me again with an infinite sadness. I am reading Carlyles Reminiscences. Nothing is so human in him as his tender memory of his wife and his regret that he did not more fully show her his love.

Monday 25. Another beautiful day. Went over to the Cemetery and marked Eugenes and Janes graves so that if we grade the lot they may not be effaced. I removed the leaves from the violets on my darlings grave and drove a stake by the moccasin flower she discovered there the day Mrs. Wolfer was buried, so it should not be injured when it comes up. Came home and wrote to Gussie. My mother and I sat and talked  together and we tried to assure ourselves that we have many things to be thankful for in spite of some troubles and anxieties. I went on to my little place and looked at dear Gertrudes roses which still live, and gave directions to have them dug about. But it is so different there from the time we laid them and not the hopeful happy spring time together. I could not help a sad regretful feeling all the time I was at home. I have so much time there, and there is so much to remind me of my dear Gertrudes absence and of all our happy life together.

Tuesday 26. Had several errands, one down town. Was much struck with the bustle and activity in the business part of the city. In the afternoon began a picture 25 x 30 of an Indian Summer effect based on my Deans Corners studies. Attended Whitelaw Reids wedding at Mr. Mills house in 5" Avenue. A most gorgeous house in which gold, satin, velvet embroideries &c seem to have been used without stint. A very large and distinguished company Literary, artistic, financial & politicians. Met many friends. Stedmans, Warner, Winter, Howells, Ward, Dr & Mrs. Otis, Nellie Hutchinson, Dr. Yale and hosts of othes among them Ex Mayor Wickham and his daughter. Mrs. Wickham asked for Mrs. McEntee, and seemed much embarassed. After the wedding I went with Ward to Brayton Ives' president of the Stock Exchange. Holt & his sister, Warner and Mrs. May came with Mr & Mrs Ives. Staid there until after midnight smoking & talking.  

Wednesday 27. Painted on my Indian Summer. Weir called but was abstracted and silent. I think he grows more so. Attended to looking at the Gifford pictures and reporting to Mr. Bates as per his letter. Went to the Academy to meet the committee to consider the amendment of the Constitution. I am decidedly opposed to allowing the Exhibitors to assist in selecting a hanging committee.