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Am opposed to the principle of allowing outsiders managing in any degree the affairs of an institution. We staid there until midnight, Ward, Huntington & Rollins in favor of the new ideas Wood and I opposed. We got warm. I am firm in my convictions of the unwisdom of it.

Thursday 28. Tried to paint but had to succumb to a headache. Went out and got half a bottle of Champagne which I drank. Hillyer, half blind artist of 20 years ago called with three studies of Allegorical pictures of the Past, present & Future he has been painting 9 ft long, and being a clerk in a government office meanwhile. Wants to exhibit them. Heavens.
What are men made of to think they can do all this art in the intervals of business. I sat down on the whole idea as amiably as the state of my distracted head would allow. Told him I had no interest in allegory. The foolishness of the whole thing was uppermost in my mind while I could not help feeling sorry for him. With all his interest in Art he did not seem to see one of my pictures. Poor fellow, he was thinking only of his own worries. Col. Wilkinson came in. Wanted me to drive with him but could not. Head did not stop aching. Went to dinner feeling very shaky. After dinner went with Julia Vaux and Fanny Mendelson to a rehearsal of the Musical festival at the 7" Regt. Armory 66" St. Afraid my head would hurt but finally got better and was nearly well by bed time. Stopped at the club and drank a lemonade. Found Thompson & Beard there. Thompson quiet and thoughtful. We
walked home together. He troubled and several times on the point, it seemed to me of unburdening himself of some worry. I feel sorry for him. He is in a vise and I am afraid it will take a stronger character than he possesses to get out of it. Giffords pictures sold tonight (2" part)

Friday 29. Felt badly most of the day and have not done much. Bayer and I went to see Sara Bernhardt as Camille. Could not understand much of the dialogue. Good acting I suppose of its
kind but dont like the kind. Too much [[swirl? swivel?]], too much clothes, too much Bernhardt. Nothing sweet, simple, pure or spontaneous. Glad when it was over to get out of the heat. We went to the club and had some oysters, and then to my rooms with Thompson who was quiet at the Century. Gay is moving from his room to Giffords. Changes all about while I stay in one place. Some day I will go too. Calvert had a streak of good fortune yesterday. His design for a college out West somewhere took the prize of $500.

Saturday 30" Went home by 4 o'clock train. Found Mary Waldo and Emmet there, Emmet has rented his farm and is going to to Texas in the cattle trade. Cool and almost frosty evening.