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but he said he did not think they could grade our lot this fall. Was coming up this afternoon and set no time. I waited half an hour in the cold during which time we had a snow squall and then concluded I would go and see Mr. Lindsley about the matter. Had the horse harnessed and my worker and I drove down town. Found Mr. L. at his office. Said the lot should be fixed and is to meet me at the cemetery tomorrow at 9. Have been thinking of places for a new stable in connection with the carriage house. If John McEntee will buy the old barn as he proposed to do once will build it. Girard is to see him. It has been cold and windy from N.W. today with fine sky effects. The mountains were white with snow this morning. Yesterday I wrote to Mr. Bates, Mrs. Holland, Mr. Pratt of the art museum, Royal Reid and Mr. Clearwater. Put up my stove today.

Saturday Nov. 5 1881. A fine Autumn day and I am feeling very happy. Met Mr. Lindsley promptly at the cemetery at 9 o'clock. Victor was with him. We soon had it all arranged to commence on our lot on Monday morning and it is to be put in complete order. This is an inexpressible satisfaction to me. Went down to Rondout to do some errands. Received a letter from Miss Hallowell containing a draft on N.Y. for one thousand dollars for my picture "Autumn Woods" sold in the Exposition. Spent the day packing away my things used in the woods and in planning for the new barn. Received a telegram from Downing asking me to come down as Booth and Edwina were to be there to dinner Sunday and were to go to Philadelphia on Monday. Answered I could not possibly come. Wrote to Miss Hallowell acknowledging receipt of the money for the picture. Dr. Crispell died on Friday evening of Addisons disease.

Sunday 6. Another beautiful day of delightful temperature. Girard and his family were here at dinner. Little Girard is very interesting now. He has learned to walk since I went away and he is very pretty and interesting. I wrote to Omaha about the money I found in the transfer depot.

Monday 7. Had a new idea about the new stable and went down to the Strand to see Mantustock the carpenter who came up this afternoon and after looking the matter over I engaged him to commence it at once. Attended Dr. Crispells funeral from his house this afternoon. There were a great many people there. It began to rain just before the service but ceased before we went to the cemetery. I observed that they have begun work on our cemetery lot. Attended a meeting of the Literary Club at Mr. Lindsleys. Sara and