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Calvert and I went to Dalys Theatre to see the Passing Regiment a rather bright play. It rained and the weather so far all winter has been uncomfortably warm. No one seems after pictures and the winter is slipping by and the summer is coming when no man can sell. I sent my picture of the "pasture" to Utica today. Had a district telegraph signal put in my rooms today.

Tuesday Jan. 17" 1882. Today Reed was to come out of prison. I have been thinking of him and wondering what the world will seem like with this brand upon him, and how he will meet his young children and renew their acquaintance and explain his long absence if indeed they have not forgotten him. What a sad history. I painted all day on my Academy picture and am getting it now in a state in which it is a great pleasure to work on it. Downing came over and we worked on our braid until 12 o'clock. I had Mrs. Winter send us up a little supper of some birds and some lemonade.

Wednesday 18. Miss McComb and her aunt came by appointment to have me look at the picture of Booth Miss McComb has been making from a photograph. It looked like a photograph but was very good for a young girl. Painted with pleasure on my picture. Cold this morning but raining again this evening. Called on Mrs. Platt and saw Jack who has just come home from a three years experience in Wyoming raising cattle. Downing and I worked on our braid all evening. James Gifford was in yesterday. He told me Butler had got Choate to give an opinion on Giffords will and that he (Choate) had been to see Mrs. Gifford but had not heard the other side. We both agreed that it was an improper thing for Butler as executor to do. A box of cigars came from Lucy yesterday and this evening I sent her a short note telling her I had received them.

Thursday 19. Awoke with a bad feeling in my head. Worked on my picture but finally had to send for a half bottle of champagne which warded off the threatened headache. Nicoll came in and invited me to dine with him and several of the artists which invitation I accepted conditionally with reference to my headache. Van Derlip called. While he was here smoking his cigar Mrs. Morse called with Miss Parsons the daughter of Chas Parsons of the Harper. Went to the dinner at an Italian Restaurant in University Place. There were eleven of us Nicoll, Collins, Hall, Howland, Lyman, Gray, Wm Hart, Roland, Welmarth, Bristol. We had a good time and aim to dine together once a fortnight. Came to my studio at 9 when Downing came over and we worked on our braid until 11.

Friday 20. Miss Teale came and accepted her picture and paid me $110 on a/c of that $300. She wanted to give me some kind of a note or paper for the balance but I told