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detailing her complaints against Giffords family. She said she was about to institute legal proceedings against them which seems to me very unwise. Mrs. Gray called and invited me to her house this evening to meet H.K. Brown and a few other friends. I went and saw Brown and his nephew, Mr & Mrs. Huntington, Platt & his wife and a Mr & Mrs Gaylord and another young lady.
Thursday 9. A rainy day. I am greatly depressed and cannot paint. My two pictures went to the Academy, Indian Summer" and "The Humboldt Valley" Calvert called to see the little Pasture I have painted for him to give to Emma Brace. I tried to paint a little tonight but could not so I went up to see Eastman Johnson who is full of work and has more than he can attend to. Read him Mrs. Giffords letter. He agrees with me that she is foolish to go to law. I thought I would go and see her around at the Sherwood building, but she had just gone out so I called on E. Ward, Bolton Jones, Wyant and Hovenden.

Friday 10. Painted a little twilight picture from a sketch of a sky I made from our little cottage window in 1855 the year after we were married. I could not help associate it with dear Gertrude for I remembered how I used to sit in our "Studio" and paint sketches of skies while she was busy with her sewing. I often think if it were not for others who are dependent upon me it would be bliss to lie down and die and go to her.

Saturday 11. Began a picture of the plains using the same sky I painted yesterday. Went home by 4 o'clock train. Tom met me at the ferry. It had grown cold. We were all at home this evening, all the sisters and brothers. My mother is improving and can walk about a little. Julia has not been out of bed until today since she came up a week ago.

Sunday 12. After breakfast I did some tinkering down at the shop. It is delightful to have all my sisters here once more and I wish I had money to do every thing to make it pleasant for them, but I am troubled and unhappy and I long for dear Gertrude and grieve for her as I always do in times of trouble. This place constantly suggests her and when I have any trouble on my mind I