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set the car on fire taking a photograph.

Thursday June 8. Left for Bozeman 300 miles distant by stage. Had a head ache but relieved it with extract of ginger

Friday 9. All night in a "Jerky" very little sleep.

Saturday 10. Awful night. Rain wind and discomfort. Yellowstone very high. Crossed in a skiff at Huntley

Sunday 11. Rain and wind. Driver coolly left us sitting in the stage in the road all night. Breakfast at Stillwater. Nearly a fight our hands on pistols. "Sheep shearing Jim" and the driver. Driver backs out. Jim made of the situation. Funny old driver full of whiskey. "Kipper" "Rat" the undertone of all his talk. Rode outside part way. Fine day and snow mts. in view. Staid all night at Gages, big log house, good place.

Monday 12 Fine snow mts. Met broken down Jerky and had to transfer to it. Arrived at Bozeman. Rain and mud. Hotel full. Very miserable.

Tuesday 13. Still cloudy. Prof. gone to find Eldridge in whose party Maurice is. Wrote to Sara.

Wednesday 14. Left Bozeman and went to Eldridges camp.

Thursday 15. Made a sketch. Not very interesting. Lumpy foot hills.

Friday 16 Long walk over the hills. Beautiful flowers. Made a pencil sketch. Rained hard all night.  

Saturday 17. Breakfast in the rain. Cleared.

Sunday 18. Rode over to the Yellowstone with Whitfield and McKay, about 40 miles in all Made some pencil notes.

Monday 19. Maurice had a letter from Sara dated 4. Stiff from yesterdays ride. Night ride to Bozeman. Bucked off my horse. Lewis and a mule went astray in the dark.

Tuesday 20 Left Bozeman in wagon with Prof & Lewis went by stage. Staid at the Bridges.