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Aquidneck where Booth got a carriage and we drove to his place about 5 miles I should say where we staid until 3 o'clock inspecting his house which Calvert has completed and which Booth has never before seen. It is a very inviting place and I think will entirely suit him. Came back to town, dined and took a ride around the Ocean Drive where all the fashionable seats are. Much wealth and extravagance to all of which I feel myself a complete alien. Took the boat at 9 after a beautiful breezy and most entertaining day.

Friday June 29. It was pretty rough the early part of the night and a thick fog but we reached N.Y. about 8 oclk breakfasting on bread. We parted with Booth who had affairs to attend to and I went home with Calvert and had a long talk, and we dined together. Julia had left that morning for Potters Hollow for the summer. Booth and I came home by the 3 o'clock West Shore train reaching home at 6:30. We found the road very pleasant, the cars were new and luxurious, all that could be wished.

Saturday 30. Spent the day at home. In the afternoon I cleaned out the flower garden.

Sunday July 1, 1883.
Booth, Edwina, Downing, Sara, my father and I went to the Laurel House leaving the junction at 7.29 and reaching the Laurel House at 11, over the new Kaaterskill railroad just completed. Saw the falls from above, had a team and were driven over to the Mountain House. Booth was delighted, said he loved the mountains better than the sea and that if he had not located at Newport would have been attracted here. Spent an hour there. Met some of the Appalachian Club on our excursion here. Drove back to Schutts and dined. He has a large addition to his house. Left for home at 3.06 and reached the N.V. Junction about 5.30. All these changes jar upon the sentiment of the Kaatskills and I feel our dear old haunts invaded and spoiled to a certain degree. Sweet and tender memories of dear Gertrude and Gifford and "the days that are no more" thronged to my heart.

Monday 2. Our day in the Kaatskills was a perfect one cool and bracing. Booth has gone to N.Y. to return on Saturday. I feel that my days are going without producing anything but I am glad to be a help to him who has always been so sincere a friend to me. A heavy wind squall with 

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