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Wednesday Nov. 21st 1883. Painted in my studio all day. It rained slightly in the afternoon. Received the money $405 for my picture sold in Detroit. Mary was not so well today, probably on account of the damp weather

Thursday 22. Painted in my studio. It has been like a summer day, so warm that fires were oppressive and the doors of the house were thrown open. Mary seems better. My money for my picture sold in Louisville came today $540 A note from Mrs. Morse inviting me to meet the Grothinghams on Monday evening, which I declined and a letter from Downing in excellent spirits. Wrote to Teale & Lawrence of Palmville for Gussie, to Mrs Eyrn Van Aken inviting her to come and see my picture and sent my two checks to the Bank of the Metropolis at different times.

Friday 23. Painted all day in my studio and wood house. Girard sent for me at his house. I instantly feared some disaster. Sure enough he assumed that he was $1500 behind with his returns to his company. Now some one is expected to raise this amount for him. I am going to think it over calmly. A letter from Eastman Johnson from Nantucket regarding changes in the constitution of the Century.

Saturday 24. Painted all forenoon in my studio. It was foggy and damp but cleared off warm and pleasant by noon.  In the afternoon I went down town and paid a great many bills getting rid of over five hundred dollars.  Paid $150 on a note to S. Abbey & Sons, Paid Tracy Stebbins for Maurice's funeral expenses, Nyer, the wagon makers bill, Caufield, Tenck and others. Girard rode down with me.  He is in great straits and says his father refused in the visitation he had with him last night, to do any thing for him. I feel sorry for him and am trying to think of some way to help him.

Sunday 25.  A most lovely day. I read Blacks Shandon Bells and finished it.  It is the story I began for my dear Mother.  In the afternoon I took a short walk out back of O Reillys.  I wrote to Lucy from whom we have not heard since our mothers death. I am afraid she is in great grief.  I wrote cheerfully to her and tried to show her how blessed was the close of her mother's life.  That I could feel no sorrow knowing what a gain it was to her in her release from the weary and helpless days she suffered.  I told her I could not think she was far from us but still conscious of and interested in us all. That with                  

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