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near the same place for $100. Marbury slipped coming down stairs at the club this evening and broke his leg near the ankle. He had to be taken home in an ambulance and was carried out joking amid the applause of the Centurions over his pluck and good humor.

Sunday Feb. 3" 1884. Breakfasted in my room and spent the forenoon here. denning came over for a visit and we walked over to dinner together at 2. After dinner Fred Norton and went around to the club. Calvert, Marion, and I called to see Mrs. Kimball at the Clarendon but she was out. Went around to the club and wrote to Lucy.

Monday 4. It rained today and the streets are icy. I painted on my large picture which seems never done. Calvert and I went to see Orpheus and Euridyce at the Bijou Opera house. It was rather entertaining but not remarkably so. For some reason or other I was thinking of Genl. Dix and his family today and wondering whether Mrs. Dix were still living. An hour after on taking up the paper I read a notice of her death on Sunday.

Tuesday 5". Very icy this morning but has thawed all day. Running about doing many things and only got to work in the afternoon. The frame for my Woods picture came and suits it admirably. Wood saw the picture and said he thought it the very best thing I had ever done, but I dont think so. Shattuck saw it and said it was excellent and he had no criticism to make. While I was at work upon it in the afternoon Fuller came in and bought it for $800. I have felt all along that he wanted it but I was not very anxious to sell it at that price at which I offered it to him when it was only half done. I shall however be glad to have it go into the Academy sold. In the evening I took Marion to the Casino to see "The Merry War" The hour is very beautiful and the play amusing. Stopped at the Club and wrote a note to Miss Nesmith.

Wednesday 6. Slept late and breakfasted in my room. A letter from Alice, a sweet letter from Mrs. Sawyer and one from Mary Gifford. Mary writes that she has had a letter from Mrs. Church from Mexico, that Church is miserable and depressed and she is homesick and greatly troubled about him. Miserable, unseasonable weather with great floods in the West. Major Wilkinson and Julia called. I had a long talk with Julia about Mary who is much better and about Will who is a great anxiety to them just as Maurice was to us! I recommended her to try to get him in the Washington home in Boston and gave her their last years report to read. After she went I telegraphed to Mary to come down to Rondout to spend Sunday with us but she replied she was a little ill and could not come this week. Went down to Devoes in Fulton St and ordered some canvases. The streets are very dirty. Miss Nixon called. I had not heard of Dr Peltons death. Talked mines and stocks and speculations like a broker. I got a subscription for the Art Union from her. Have not been able to paint today. In the evening Julia and I called on Miss Taylor. It rained. Went to the club and read the papers.

Thursday 7. A most dreary day of mist rain and mud. I seem to be doing everything except painting. My studies came from 

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