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here just as I would. But I would like more independence and less slavery to a great place much larger than we need. Sara, Girard's wife and the children and I drive to Kingston after tea.

Thursday, June 19th 1884. Went down town and brought up the pictures which I had sent from my studio - Wood's portrait of Gertrude, the Ariadne and Mrs Siddons & Van Dyke and other framed photographs. Sara and my father left for Oneida Co. by the 11 o'clock West Shore train. I took them up Girard and Charlie going along with me. It has been a pretty hot day. They were to arrive at Clarks Mills about 5 o'clock. My father just before he left received a letter from Mrs. Orson Wells of North Adams. She is I think 86 years old. He has been looking forward with great interest to this trip as the last one he will ever take out there but I hope it may not be. I am left alone here in the house and if I had not kept busy every minute it would have been sad enough. We had a much needed shower this afternoon. I had the little boys, Girard and Charlie over here and entertained them on the front porch for some time. I had a letter from Mrs. Sawyer this morning from Londonderry Vt. where she has gone for a time. She seems to feel pretty sad and their old age gives them little relief from the struggles of life. How little we know how to live so that our old age shall be cheerful and free from anxieties. John and Nannie came up to Girards this evening and I went over there. They have invited me to dinner on Sunday. I know that a great deal of my unhappiness comes from apprehension regarding our money matters. I am always pretty cheerful when I see the way clear in that direction. I went over to the cemetery this evening after tea. The flowers are doing pretty well and our lot does not look neglected and uncared for. 

Friday 20th"  After breakfast put the pole in the two seated wagon after much hammering and fussing as nothing fitted, put the horses before it finding the pole too short and the tracers too long, still I got the two little boys in Girard and Charlie and we drove down town where I got the tracers shortened and a new bolt for the [[?]] and after some errands we drove out to Leggs Mills after a grist. We went by the brick yards, the river road and crossed over through the woods by the Aunt Katrina road. It was pretty hot but there was a good breeze from the North and the little boys hats flew off very often. Arrived at the mill I took them for a short row on the creek. We returned by the Pine bush road getting home to dinner at which I sat down alone. After dinner I dressed and sat on the front porch. Presently the two little boys came and played in the hammock. Girard looked so cunning and so sturdy I asked him if he would sit still and let me paint him. Of course he said he would and of course he was not still a moment, but I got a little sketch of him which is quite like him. Girard and Mary invited me over to tea with them and the children. I had a letter from Mary this morning regretting she could not have come up but said she and Marion would come Tuesday or Wednesday. I wrote her a short note this evening and a letter to Sara at Westernville.
Saturday 21. John, Girard and I went fishing out below Glenerie. We left about ten o clock and did not get back until 9 in the evening. It was very hot going out but pleasant after we reached there. We caught a nice lot of black bass and had an enjoyable day.

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