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Tuesday Nov. 4" 1884. The Presidential election occurred today. The day as usual dawned grey and threatening and rain fell early in the day but at intervals. I drove my father down to the polls and he and I voted the entire Republican ticket. I regretted afterward that I had not voted for John Denenbacker for County Treasurer but I did not know he was running. Getting into the wagon at the polls my foot slipped on the step and I fell under the wagon and struck my head on the curb stone hurting my ear internally. It feels very sore tonight. Got some barrels of apples ready for Mary and Julia Dillon and Tom took them down to the Baldwin in the rain. I went to my studio and worked a little but it was very dark and I did not accomplish much. Wrote to Mary. Received a letter from Turck asking if we had been paid the mortgage. Answered the letter and told him it was all settled. It has rained very hard this evening and is still raining (10 o clock) Mary and Jimmy came here and spent the evening. Girard staid down town to hear the election returns. My father seems as well as usual and the time drags with him.

Wednesday 5. Clear with N. W. wind and splendid skies, some of the finest effects I ever saw. Tried to work in my studio but was restless and did not accomplish much. Went there again after dinner and tried to compose a small study for Fullers picture but got very perplexed. In the midst of it nearly half past 3 came a telegram from Laura asking us to meet her and Charlie at 2.55 in Kingston. I came over and harnessed the horse and drove up as quickly as I could through the tearing wind thinking they might be waiting there. The train had passed nearly an hour and they were not there. Sara had made a fire in their room and they have not come tonight nor have we heard from them. The Election is still in doubt and I fear Cleveland is elected. New York is still in doubt and if that goes for Cleveland he is elected. Mr. Lindsley is elected to Congress by 1800 majority. I am full of anxiety. I hoped the election would be decided one way or the other for I fear trouble if it is at all close.

Thursday 6". Went down town this morning and paid some bills, the Cement Co. a bill of two years standing, for the shingles on the carriage house and I also bought a little scarf pin for Meyer the man who helped me with the house the night of the parade. I also ordered a plain harness as ours are old and unsafe. I know of nothing more appalling than to see the money going out so fast and none coming in. I can think of nothing else. Laura and Charlie came about 3 o'clock driving up in a little phaeton which some one at the station lent them and presently a great stage wagon came up with their two trunks. It seems Laura's telegram of yesterday was meant for today but it did not so specify. Laura looks badly and is not well. The expect to leave next Monday on their way to New York and thence home. Charlie and I walked down town to the telegraph office and then called on Mrs. Lindsley. The election is still in doubt, the Republican and Democratic state committees have each issued an address claiming the election of their respective candidates. I foresee cheating in the returns and I fear trouble Such a stirring up of the country every four years is a positive disaster.

Friday 7" Charlie and I took a long walk down along by the quarries and over the hills back of Steep Rocks returning by the Roatina. The wind blew from the South but still we had a pleasant walk and got home in time for dinner. It is warmer this evening and the wind has lulled. The Election is still in doubt with the chances in favor of Blaine according to the Tribune. It depends upon N.Y. and the vote seems very close. The Democrats are threatening and I fear trouble. I do not envy the feelings of Republicans who voted for Cleveland.

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