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days were I free, painting these most delicate effects. When I arrived at my studio found a letter from Nashville enclosing a check for $360 the proceeds above the commission ($40) of the sale of my picture of Mt. Katahdin. Nothing was said about the other picture "Over the hills" for which Mr. Warman said he had an offer. I am afraid it is not sold. I shall need every cent I can scrape together to pay bills and trust to luck, as I always have to, for funding for the summer. Tom, our hired man is to be married and he has asked me for $400 next month. If I could only sell one or two more pictures it would make every difference to me. Spent the evening at Marys reading in Custers Life on the plains and came to my room early. Girard and his wife went to see Dixie - They are staying at Mary's
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Tuesday Apl 28" 1885. 
Cold enough for a fire in my room. Called to see Nilmark and told him to notify me when my picture came from Springfield as I want to see what condition it is in before I receive it. Have painted on my picture near Roggens and improved it. By sticking at my pictures which seem wrong in construction I generously manage to get them in shape, but not always. Mrs. Leach and her daughter called. I had received letters from her boys in California and came to see if I had accomplished any thing. Poor woman. If I were able I would bring her boys her for it seems to me they ought to be able to take care of her. A short letter from Charlie Osman today which I answered briefly telling him of the arrival of the train. Got Mrs. Custers book and sent it to Lucy. It rained violently when I went to dinner as it had all afternoon. It was so chilly in my room that I built a fire but the smoke poured into the room until it got well going. Dawning was down and I spent the evening at home as I do most of my evenings now. Stopped at the club a short time and had a talk with Mr. Hammersly. He said he knew Custer and says Stoneman told him he was crazy: but he talked as though he knew every body and after all I dont much [[strikethrough]] ac [[/strikethrough]] rely upon a mans estimate of character who dyes his beard and thinks he can cheat people with thinking he is younger than he is.

Wednesday 29"
It rained still this morning and the wind blew a gale but it cleared about noon. While I was out at lunch a telegram came from Nashville saying they could possibly get two hundred dollars for my "Over the Hill" and asking my lowest price. As I had written them yesterday practically allowing them to sell for $200 - I telegraphed (night message) that unless sold I would not take less than $250 - and immediately wrote Mr. Ramis the Sec. that if already sold for $200 I would abide by the result.

Have painted all day on my picture near Roggens and have it about done. It is not entirely satisfactory but I do not know how to make it better. Wrote to Mr. Ramis, Nashville, to Mr. Verst that he could have my engravings for $175 and to Hanna & Ives that I would send their picture next week. A Mr. Dubois Knight, from Detroit called. Has just come from California. Spoke of having seen a picture of the Plains by Smallie at St. Louis, which looked like the region, and showing him my "Plains of the Humboldt" said that was the picture, but had not associated it with me.

Thursday 30.
Painted on a small picture of Indian Summer - Went to the Club and talked with Butler & Swayne Gifford. Visited the prize fund collection - A number of interesting pictures. I liked Swayne Giffords best for color. Many of them are coarse and disagreeable to my notion. 

Transcription Notes:
too many [[?]] to be marked for review - pls, pls fill these I put page number at top because it made sense for me to do so ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-30 22:56:45 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-03 20:24:18 Mr. SMELLIE - this is really a last name. And did find several artists with this last name. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-03 22:06:33 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-04 13:42:02