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warm up some of the garrulous ones and then the speeches are apt to be of a very rambling character. I would like to hear some serious topic discussed connected with our institution and to get some kind of an expression from the artists themselves as to what is for the best interests of the Academy, particularly from the grumblers and fault finders. Weir, Whittredge Eastman Johnson and I sat together and Whittredge and I walked down to my room about 10. He was pretty well disgusted with the lack of seriousness in the talk at the dinner but I agreed that having been seriously engaged all day they felt rather like being a little festive and foolish. Whittredge and I sat and talked until midnight.

Thursday May 14" 1885. Sara and I attended Mrs. Hiram Romeyers funeral this morning at 930 at their house in 66" St. We saw more of the family and the rooms were dark and doleful. They are to take her to Kingston for burial. On my way down stopped at the Meridien Hotel to see Mr. Bachelder who called at my room yesterday, but he had gone out. Weir came in for a little while but he seems absorbed and has a far off expression when I talk with him. I wrote to Hanna & Ives of Detroit yesterday and today Wilmonts man came for the picture to box and send to them. Whittredge and I lunched together at the Vienna Bakery and afterwards came to my room and smoked a cigar. I showed him the picture I was painting and asked for some suggestions which he gave. After he went away, feeling the force of what he said I set my palette and went to work on it and helped it greatly so that now it is an outstanding picture to me. Sara, Marion and I went to Niblos and saw Wallacks Company in Victor Durand" Rose Coghlan, Tearle, John Gilbert and all the company played very well. I dont like Rose Coghlan much but is well enough. 

Friday 15" This morning seems like genuine spring with its balmy air and bright sunshine. I had a letter from Gill enclosing me $25 for damages to my picture. I shall not accept it until I see the picture. Also a long letter from Lucy. She had received Mrs. Custers book I sent her and had read it with great pleasure. She says that Custer is certainly criticised as to his character by each branch of the service where he is stationed and had always believed the stories about him true, coming as they did from apparently disinterested sources, but she says she thinks these stories must be false, or else there must have been a great deal of good in his character to have now the faith and admiration of such a woman. In her letter was one from Joe Tomkins, one of his needless and unwise manifestoes. He never seems to stop a moment to think about what he is doing or saying. Sara came over to my studio and while she was here Edith Cook called. Mr. Whiting of the Springfield Republican called. Gill has sent me $25 damages on my picture in Springfield, but Mr. Whiting says the pictures are not perceptibly damaged. Attended the distribution of the medals to the students of the Academy. The only Academicians present were Wood who presided, Richards, Jones, Jas. Hart, Perry Grey, Ewell, Wilmarth and myself. The students presented Wilmarth with an arm chair. From there went to the house and with Calvert to the Century for an hour.

Saturday 16" The Academy closes today. Neither of my pictures being sold. That is the reward of painting some thing new. Went home by the afternoon train with Sara who met me at the station. Mary who was there during Sara's absence was glad to see us.

Sunday 17". Beautiful spring day, birds and blossoms. Gave my father a bath after which he came down stairs and sat on the porch He seem comparatively vigorous and I think would be very comfortable but for his lameness. Sam Coykendall came up by appointment after dinner and I showed him the map of the place and afterwards we went all over it. He said he had never had a clear 

Transcription Notes:
This page starts as a continuation of the sentence from the previous page. 4/27 - all transcribed except for five [[?]], too many to be marked for review, pls fill in 5/3 - down to one ? about a location at which a play was seen 5/2 - Location of the play appears to be Niblos per other documents. Ready for review. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-03 16:39:28 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-03 16:39:50 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-03 16:41:38 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-04 13:55:30