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not be more desirable. Mrs. Lassiter had her garden party at Fair View today. I had previously sent my regrets. Girard, his wife and Marion went. Joe Tomkins was to have been married to Miss Odell today. We only know of it in a general way. I wonder if the reflection that he had generally alienated himself and his children from all of us is a satisfactory one. The whole matter on his part has been so unwise and unnecessary, but I dont think he is capable of appreciating his own folly. 

Thursday June 25" 1885. Up at 5 o'clock, picked the strawberries and put on the hose and watered the flower garden. After breakfast gave the strawberry bed and the garden a soaking which kept me until noon. Nannie and Agnes Dibbler called just as I went up to dress. Spent the afternoon cutting braid and braiding for a lighter hat as an experiment. I feel very tired tonight. Had the boy picking cherries. He picked 50 quarts. They were from my place and were much smaller than last year. Robbie Burns was gone all afternoon Tuesday and all day yesterday attending shows and circuses. I gave him to understand when he came this morning that he must stay here and not go away without asking me. Tom has begun to cut the hay which is very light owing to the dry weather. 

Friday 26". Drove my father down to Rondout and up to Kingston. Received a letter from Kurtz wishing me to reconsider my determination not to send pictures to Louisville. They have not paid the Art Union as they agreed for the pictures we let them have last year and besides I do not care to go there as an appendage to the American Art Associations prize exhibition. There really is no necessity for an answer to his note and I think I will not answer it. Had the boy picking cherries today but he could not sell any and I am not going to bother with them. Spent the afternoon on my braid and have 20 yards done. I hear nothing from Royal Reed but hope to hear from Kimball perhaps tomorrow. 

Saturday 27" Took my father out for a ride shortly after breakfast. Drove to Rondout then up to Greenville via Eddyville crossing over to Lucas' turnpike and home through Kingston. It was pretty hot and dusty. After we got home my father fell backwards on the back porch but fortunately did not hurt himself although it gave me a great fright. In Kingston Hiram Romeyn stopped us and thanked me for the letter I wrote him after his wife died. He told me he and Charlie were going to Europe on the 9" of July for three months. After dinner. I went at my braid. Tom McEntee arrived just before dinner. After tea he and I walked over to the cemetery and out to the "view" Marion, Girard and his wife and two of the children drove out to Leggs Mill. John, Nannie, Ellie and Miss Dibbler went also with their team. Had a short note from Fuller saying he had received the sketches and would write me very soon. 

Sunday 28". Tom McEntee and I drove down to Rondout and by the brick yards and river road out to the Flat-bush hill and home through Kingston, part of the way through clouds of dust. 

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