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Friday May 4" 1886. I came down by the morning train bringing a big bundle of papers for Calvert. Found a letter from Mrs Custer, one from Mr Winter regarding Booth, one from Lily French. I answered Mrs. Custers note. Meant to begin a little picture but have not felt quite like work being somewhat troubled and so the day has gone. Mary came and told me Mrs Custer had given us three tickets for the 19" Century club meeting this evening. After dinner I call on Mrs Custer to see if she meant to go with us but she was going with Miss Clara Louise Kellogg and we were to meet them there. Marion, Mary and I went and presently Mrs. Custer and Miss Kellogg came. We kept seats for them. The discussion was on realism, Impressionism and some other "ism" in art. Hopkinson Smith opened the hall and rather argued for a middle course. He was followed by Alexander the portrait painter who defended he Impressionists but in a temperate way.  Next came Coffin an artist I never heard of who was very quaint and amusing in defense of realism, followed by Clarence Cook who stood up for every thing which ordinary mortals detest. It was all very amusing but not very settling or convincing. Then followed the usual social meeting and adjournment to the lower hall for refreshments. I met many acquaintances among them Mrs. Charles Dudley Warner whom I had not seen since she came to my studio when dear Gertrude was here. I had a very pleasant talk with her. Saw Mrs. Youmans, Mrs Hicks Mrs. Col. Church, the Putnams and many others.

Wednesday 5" Came to my room prepared to go at my little picture. Met Fitch in the street who came to my studio with me and staid some time. When he left I went to work but had hardly got started when Emma Brace came. They are all going abroad on the 18". After she went Mr. Douglas Adams an English artist called with a letter from Alice. He impressed me as a pleasant, affable man. While he was here Mr. Bachelder came and made a long call, Mr. Douglas going before he did. I was very glad to see Mr. Bachelder as I failed to see him in Boston. It was noon before I got to work again. My picture is not what I wish it was. I have attempted to paint a little picture 12 x 20 from the sketch I gave Mary Christinas trying to preserve the same freedom of touch but I have not succeeded. It is so difficult to get the qualities of a sketch dashed off in a few minutes. I went and called at Warrens this evening. Found Mrs. Warren painting some dogwood and apple blooms. I know I interrupted her but I staid only a short time and this is her evening. I came away too late to go any where else and walked down to my room feeling a little lonely. I was thinking how entirely unable I am to do the little things I would like to. For instance I would like to ask this English artist Mr. Adams who came here today to come up to Rondout but I am out of money and could do nothing for him. It is all sorts of disadvantage and misery not to have a little money. Mr. Jay Smith the art man of the Minneapolis Exposition called on me today and wants me to send three pictures there for their exhibition. He seemed a little crude but still he made a favorable impression upon me by a certain directness and frankness and I shall let him have the pictures. He had been to the Academy and had seen all my pictures and marked them. They are an enterprising people out there and I mean to see what can be done. This is their first exhibition and they are building a fine substantial building and making a great effort to have an attractive exhibition. I dont know what the art department will be, mixed I presume, but I cant afford to neglect these chances and I shall send.

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