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Saturday Nov. 20" 1886. A beautiful mild day. At work all day in my studio and painted from little sketches, one of them the sky at sunset last night. Julia Dillon was here at tea and spent the evening. I suppose I ought to be out of doors such weather using my eyes and looking at nature but I must make some money and am getting ready for that. I do paint the effects I see and it is all good practice. My two little frames for the sketches I am going to give Aleda Van Deusen for her fair for the "Home" came today and I put the sketches in them. They look very nicely and I hope will bring some money for the "Home".

Sunday 21" A typical Roman winter day such as I used to spend on the Roman Campagna with the Alban hills white with snow and the broad Campagna lying brown and still under the clear sunshine with "far Soracte" gleaming on the horizon. Boldly discarding my truss which I have worn constantly since May 1879 I started off on a walk out back of OReillys and around by the Post farm and home through the cemetery stopping at dear Gertrudes grave. They are fencing in the new part of the cemetery bought from the Port farm. Park insisted upon accompanying but lagged behind and had to find his own way back. Tonight I see not the least hint of my hernia and have felt not the slightest inconvenience. I believe it either has been cured or if not have full faith it will be. I wrote to Weir. Am reading the second volume of Grant's memoirs and find it most fascinating. His campaign of Chatanooga was a marvel of generalship as well as of enterprise and fertility of resource. He was indeed a very great man.

Monday 22" Another "Roman day." Went down town after breakfast and got a letter from Bonyer, one from Wilmont about the little frames two letters from Lucy from Fort Bridger for Lucy and an invitation from Mrs. Botta and Mrs. Stone to a reception to Stanley the African explorer. Bonyer had been to see about the advertising, had received the little picture and the specimen frame which Wilmont will make for three dollars, and he says the picture looks well in it and will go to the engraver today. Lucy writes that she is in her house but not yet settled. It is very cold the mercury 19 below zero. I went to work in my studio and have painted three sketches, one of an effect I saw yesterday. Sara came over and saw the little pictures and liked them very much. I sent Aleda Van Deuren her two little sketches for her fair yesterday and today she sent a note of acknowledgement. I have written to Bonyer and to Lucy tonight. Ex President Arthur was buried in Albany today. We had one flag at half mast.

Tuesday 23" Went down town directly after breakfast. It was raining and has rained all day Have worked in my studio all day and painted three sketches - one a sky I saw last night. I am enjoying this season of quiet and uninterrupted work as it did not seem possible a few weeks ago I could enjoy it, but I am busy and hopeful and if I am to be disappointed I shall have gained this respite. The men did not work on Chester St. today.

Wednesday 24" Down town where I got a postal card from Mary saying she and Marion would be up in the train leaving at 11.25. Went to my studio and worked until 1 painting two sketches when I came over and nailed some listing on two of the outside doors and then went to the train and got Mary and Marion. Jamie came up from Highland Falls by the 7.10 train and Bonyer and Calvert with the 9 evening train. We all sat in the parlor this evening and it was very pleasant to have them all here. Bonyer brought up the little picture and the specimen frame which is very suitable.

Thursday 25" Rain and sleet were falling when we awoke and have continued all day with snow at intervals and tonight is storming dismally. We have had a pleasant, old time Thanksgiving. Bonyer and Downing went down to the Canoe 

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1 [[?]] ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-13 16:33:29 .