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together. We thought Sims might go up and select the lot for Mrs Folant today and I could make out a deed and he would pay the money as he said he was anxious to have it consummated, but on telephoning him he said he could not go today. After talking the situation over with Girard he advised me to make a new note for $500 and send it to Fuller and explain my dilemma which I finally did. Fortunately I had not mailed the letter I wrote him up at the house and I enclosed the two together. I am sorry for it will give him trouble and cannot complain if he feels annoyed. I came home and Sara and I started at 130 to attend Mrs. Kate Davis' funeral at the Episcopal church in Kingston, Tom driving and stopping for Mrs. Cantine as agreed. The last time we were in that church was at Mr. Waters funeral and we sat in Mrs. Davis pew with her. We drove to the Cemetery where her body was placed in the receiving vault and we came towards home, turning in to see the Tobogganers. While we were looking at them Sam Cuykendall came up and wanted Sade to ride with him which she did once or twice. There was a crowd of spectators and it was a most favorable day. So easily one goes from a funeral to a feast. The most touching thing to me in the services at the church was the beautiful hymn first sung. It brought tears to my eyes and somehow recalled my dear Gertrude in its sweet melody.- This evening Sara and went over to the slide and had three or four rides. There was a great crowd there and we came home at 9. Mrs. Judge Parker was injured or frightened by being run up on the side of the slide and fainted but I imagine was not hurt seriously.  

Friday Jan. 21" 1887. Sara went with Mr & Mrs. Bray down to Highland Falls to see Jamies school. Bray came up to see her just as we were going to Kingston. I drove her up to Mrs. Lamont Smiths and left her and she joined them at the 11.55 train and returned this evening. I drove down town and got a letter from Lucy and one from Vanderlip, not entirely conclusive upon the subject on which I wrote him. I also received some samples from Rock, selected material for a suit and wrote to him to make it at once. Have been at home all day. A beautiful, mild winter day.  

Saturday 22." Girard told me this morning that the Cornell Hose Co. had decided to give Maj. Cornell one of my little pictures for his birthday which occurs tomorrow. We went over to my studio and he selected four to take down with him to show. They eventually selected a winter picture looking across the river from above Steep Rocks. I walked down to the mail and received a letter from Fuller telling me he had replaced the first note with the one I sent him Thursday and placed the balance to my credit. I went and told [[G?]] Webster I had made the check good and he might send it and thanked him for the favor he had done me. I wrote Fuller a note telling him I had received his and thanking him again. Came home and went to my studio where I worked on the picture with the Sycamore tree until 4 o c'lk when I  came home and read the paper and wrote to Charlie McEntee. I have about finished the letters of Talleyrand to Louis XVIII from the Congress of Vienna, very interesting.

Sunday 23" Walked down to the mail but got nothing except a note from Rock saying my suit would be sent me on Tuesday. We have had a South wind and a thaw all day. I was tempted to take a ride the day was so warm and bright but Sara could not go and I did not care to go alone. I read the Tribune and the Sun and wrote a letter to Mr. Sawyer congratulating him on his 83" birth day which I saw by the Leader occurred on the 9". My father has by no means outlived his sense of humor. Sara was combing her hair as usual this evening and remarked it was getting pretty long and perhaps ought to be cut. "O never mind" he said. (As Syd. Chipp said) let the tail go with the hide."

Monday 24" I walked down to the mail. It was raining and a dense fog prevailed. I was astonished to see how rapidly the snow had melted. Sara received a letter from Sara. Came back and went to my studio