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Wednesday Nov. 9" We were up at 5 o'clock and had breakfast at six and Mr. & Mrs.  Sawyer left at 6.30. I went with them to the train. It was a cold morning with N. wind but clear and bright. I got a "Leader" (Dem) and a Tribune. The Democrats have made a clean sweep, Fred Grant is departed as is our state Senator Henry Connelly, but the worst is the election of Fellows dist. attorney in N.Y. over Nicoll. It is a great encouragement to the "boodle" element. I presume Mr. & Mrs. Sawyer have made their last visit here. I could not help the thought as they drove away. After breakfast I set Tom to blacking the stove which Sara had in her room last winter and I fitted a pipe to the end we put it up in my Mothers room. It took us until nearly 1 oclock to put it in its place. After lunch I went to work putting into a barrel the books from my fathers library I am going to send to Mr. Sawyer. Just before I finished this Keaton who bought a lot of us, drove up and wanted me to go over there and give him the boundaries; as I could not give them exactly I went up to the City Hall and saw Mr. Sears the City Surveyor who will come tomorrow and give me some point to measure from. Cousin Rachel was here today. She is staying at Mrs. Jansen Andersons. She is very much not of health and looks very badly. She is coming to stay with Sara a while.
[[left margin]] Mr & Mrs Sawyer leave [[/left margin]]

Thursday 10". Went to City Hall directly after breakfast. Mr. Sears the City Surveyor and his assistant went with me to Chester St. and we worked until 11 o'clock establishing the boundaries of the lots between the Wolfe property and Trenton St. as laid down on the map. Then it began to rain and we were obliged to stop. He is to finish and put in permanent stakes the first fair day. Keaton was after me this morning to have his lot marked out so the men can begin digging his cellar. It has rained steadily ever since. Sara and Mrs. Ourbagh are out collecting for the Industrial Home. My lame side feels very weak and uncertain today. I finished packing the books for Mr. Sawyer and now they are all ready to send to him. The rain held up after dark and Sara and I went down and spent the evening with the Cantines. Miss Sheffield, her sister is staying with her. Mrs. Cantine gave us a very amusing account of the dinner at [[Chamdus?]] to Fred. Grant & his wife and Senator Hiscock. She said Hiscock & Mrs. Grand entertained each other across the table and ignored all the rest. She was not struck with the intellectual calibre of Grant.
[[left margin]] Surveyed lots at Chester St. [[/left margin]]

Friday 11" It snowed a little this morning and there have been flurries of snow all through the day. Mr. Sears came and finished the survey of the lots on Chester St. from the Samson line to Trenton St. and set stakes at the corners of ech lot and a line of stakes 5 ft. inside the fence line and the true line of the street. On the corner between us and the Samson line we found a round stone apparently the boundary corner, just below the surface. I paid him $5. for his services. He was very obliging and very painstaking. Sara and I went over to my studio and I brought over the things I am to take to N.Y. and the little Dressing table glass. John McEntee came up to see her. He brought Nannie home from Dr. Taylors last night and he thinks she is not as well as when she went there. Wants Sara to take her home for a while to see if she cannot help her. Sara and I with the Cantines attended a meeting of the State Charities Aid Association at Supreme Court Chambers in Kingston at which Mrs. Cantine proposed a 

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