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affectionate note from Laura with a little calendar. The Christmas time had brought her tender memories of the dear old home and she wrote under their softening influence. Sara wrote her equally cordially. I wrote to Lucy and in the evening we went down to John and saw Lily. Julia had just come from N.Y. John went down town

Tuesday Dec. 25" 1888   Xmas.
The day was bright, warm and sunny. We had all of Girards family over to dinner and after dinner the presents being all arranged in my room (my mothers) we all went in there, the children, Mary & Girard, Katie, Tom, Minnie and Jane and they were given to them. Tracy had left on Saturday but came in the evening for her gifts. The children stayed with us all afternoon and were delighted with their gifts. Altogether we had a very happy Christmas. Sara and I sat alone in the sitting room in the evening she working on Marys present. During yesterday and today I made my will anew, which I have been intending to do for a long time and I feel relieved that it is accomplished. I have thought it over for a long time 

Wednesday 26" Another mild day. Went down town and had John McEntee and Grove Webster witness my will and also bought a ticket for N.Y. on the Hudson River road. John McEntee invited Sara and me to lunch and me to go for a ride behind his team. We drove out on the Saugerties road as far as the Leggs Mill road, but the mud was deep and we went slowly. Sara and I had dinner at 5. I noticed that the ice had all moved up and the ferry boat had great trouble in crossing so I determined to go by the West Shore at last. I walked up to the 7.45 train which was an hour late. We came around by the Erie and did not get to Weehauken until 1.30. It was raining. The cars had stopped and there were no cabs and there was nothing to do but to walk all the way to 10" St. Shortly after I started it rained smartly but just then a cab drove up and the driver brought me to my studio for a dollar, where I arrived at 2'oclock

Thursday 27. Recd notice that I have been made a member of "The Players" and a note from Booth saying the Boughton picture to which he waives all claim, entitles me. I wrote him I was greatly pleased but that I did not quite see how giving his picture should make me a member. I wrote to Thos. Hubben today the usual notice for the A.M.A. society. Have painted a part of the day on Mr. Welles picture. I found a telegram when I arrived this morning from Robt. Wilkinson inviting me to dine with him and Julia at the Everett last night. I left a note there this morning and had a card from Julia saying she would be in this evening. Mary also had a card from Alice to tell her of her arrival so she and I called of Julia and Robert and then went to see Alice at the Bannings in the "Bella" 26" St. I have invited her to go to the theatre tomorrow evening and have written to Booth for two seats as he told me in his note to let him know if I would like to come to the theatre. I have felt hurried all day and am very tired tonight

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5/20 - done 1 [[?]] ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-22 01:56:17 5/22 replaced one remaining [[?]] with [[Boughton?]] ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-22 23:35:12