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Thursday August 1" 1889.
It rained heavily during the night and has rained at times most of the day. I went down town to do some errands and to see Cantine but he was out. I went down again after dinner to invite him here to tea but he was still out and I left a note for him inviting him to take tea with us. He drive up in Schultzs carriage just before six, Schultz with him to tell us he could not stay to tea as he was going to Saugerties. He called me aside for a moment and said he wished to speak to me privately a moment. He asked what I would take for the place including all between Chestnut St and the fence on the side hill and from Marys line to my line. He said he thought he might be able to sell it as a whole, that he had reason to think so but did not care to explain. I told him I would take thirty thousand dollars which I thought a very reasonable sum. He said he was going to Kennebunkport on Tuesday I think to be gone some time and wanted to make this inquiry before he went. I showed him the plan I had made to show its capabilities for dividing into lots and told him I had written to Downing to come up and assist me. He advised me to go on with it so that if his later proposition failed I would not be retarded in this. I confess I am quite curious to know what the new idea is —— I picked the first ripe tomato today.

Friday 2" Rain again this morning but clearing later. Girard came and as I knew he was in great straits I talked with him and tried to find out what he wanted to do. I showed him how little encouragement the past gave me for risking my credit for him but the result was an intimation that I might assist him under certain conditions the first of which was that he should give me a full statement of his entire indebtedness which he was to have ready tonight. He gave me to sign the remonstrance against the paving of Holmes St. with blue stone and which was signed by several on the opposite side of the street. I walked up to the city hall to examine our assessments and found them the same valuation as last year. I walked down town to the post office and John walked up with me. I told him of my interview with Girard and what I had partially intimated I would do. He said it seemed to be the only thing to be done. I also told him what Cantine said to me yesterday. He brought Julia up on the hill after tea but did not get out of the wagon himself. Girard has not been over. Perhaps he saw them come up, but I rather wonder he did not come after. 

Saturday 3" Girard came over this morning and told me he was up at the meeting of the Common Council last night, that the remonstrance concerning Chester St. was presented and on motion of Alderman Dedorick of Kingston was laid on the table. I also asked him about his trouble. He said Cantine had looked over his books and would see me. I went down town and called at Cantines but he was not in and Girard said he would tell him I had been there and perhaps he would come to see me tomorrow. I received a letter from Calvert saying Downing would come up some time today and he would come next Saturday. It rained again several times through the day. I made some observations and some measurements this 

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