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Midway and he hitched up his horse and drove to Midway with us.  His two sons Albert and Fred were at Midway.  Drove to the hotel and got the parlor where we put our traps and trunks and unpacked and arranged.  Drove to Kimballs store and bought supplies and had them all put up and arranged with [Tim Reid?] to draw them in to their camp at Fowlers (now Powers).

Thursday [[strikethrough]] Wednesday [[/strikethrough]] Oct. 3 [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] Matt Daisy came early with team and good buck board rig. Anxious to get us to the camp so that he could come back that day, but we determined not to rush off in a hurry and so agreed to keep the team two days. We thought we had an appalling lot of luggage for the team and for our three boats but found we got it all on the buck board very comfortably and compactly and about 9.30. we started, Eastman and I on the buck board and the three canoes poling some of the things up river. Cold windy morning but fine wind went down  - Lunched at John Fowlers little schoodic- Arrived at Powers early and staid there over night and kept the team there to haul our things over the camp. Funny little Andy - an ideal Sancho Panza.

Friday 4" [[strikethrough]] Thursday 3 5 [[/strikethrough]] Grim and threatening morning After breakfast loaded up, Powers taking the three canoes and started about 8 over the camp  (bill at Powers 8.87) Weather cleared. Got everything comfortably in the canoes and sailed off over Quakich to foot of rapids below dam where we had lunch and Eastman and I walked to dam. Men (2 canoes) made two trips to get up luggage. Violent squall & rain at dam. Nothing got wet. Albah went to get his cat from a pile of our traps when one of the guns accidentally discharged going through the sleeve of Eastmans Ulster and Freds rubber coat with a big charge of buck shot as they lay on the pile. Party camping at the dam house. Old [[?]] looking like a Methodist preacher came to