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There was a slight wind from S.W. which increased but not sufficiently to trouble us. The air was chilly but the Sun shone for a time. As we were sailing along a man in a canoe hailed us as he rapidly approached. My apprehensions were aroused fearing a telegram announcing some trouble for some of us to counterbalance all our enjoyment. It proved to be Charlie Hale with letters for us. I had one from Mr. Robertson from [Miraflores?] and the one from  Mr. Sawyer which he told me he had written me at Rondout. The wind freshened but fortunately we got across Pemadumcook without a gale which I greatly feared, and into Ambijejis  when we had the wind directly astern. I hoisted my umbrella and we shot ahead finely. At the Ambijejis house Hale stopped with letters for a party there on their way down river and we came around and up to the head of their lake and after some hunting around we finally settled upon a camp in the left or south side of the lake, which we reached about noon so that we had ample time to make a comfortable camp. The view of Katahdin from just this side the Ambijejis House was fine and I rather regretted we had not camped there. Only that as we hope to make an excursion up the river and we thought best to locate at the head of the lake. The wind ceased and the moon came up bright and about full and the temperature was agreeable but towards morning there was a slight rain.  

Thursday 10"
And this morning it is cloudy not cold, and occasionally slight showers but we have been fixing ourselves comfortably in camp and have a very pleasant one. 

Friday 11"
Staid in camp. Johnson + the men went out for deer but unsuccessfully. I wrote to Sara and to Church - cold & rather windy.

Saturday 12" 
Fred and I were up early and got off at 8 o'clock for up river prepared to camp over night. We had five canoes [[good guess]] to pass. Ambejijis [[Ambajejus]] falls, Passamagammock [[possibly means Passamagamet]] Debsconeag, Pockwockamus, and Abol, the longest less than half a mile. This is where I intended to go when we came in. The river was very pretty and we had fine    

Transcription Notes:
The left page 18 is partly covered on right side and cannot be transcribed wholly. Only facing page 22 is complete here. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-22 08:55:31